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chronic foot picking - just a weird habit?
Hi Everyone,
I've picked the bottoms of my feet since adolescence (now in my 20s). I find that I pick usually when I am reading something or working on an assignment. It's strange.. I wonder if it's my way of expressing my anxiety, even though I don't "feel" it in my body. I also wonder if it's not really problematic, as long as it's not interfering with other domains of my life. It's screwed up, but sometimes I'll pick too much and then the bottom of my foot will be a little tender when I walk. I also am embarrassed about getting a pedicure unless I'm fairly healed up.
I probably should be more disciplined about it, but I find if I use a pummice stone and smooth out the bottom of my feet, I then have nothing to pick!
My bf has very dry feet.. he doesn't care in the least! I have this desire to .. pick HIS feet! He usually doesn't let me, which I can understand why.. do you pickers out there ever have a similar experience?
My mom is a bit of a picker, too... more so around her nails and scabs. So interesting that there could a genetic component..
April 24, 2010
try considering that feet picking is much the same as generalized skin picking which also encompasses scalp picking, cuticle picking, etc. and apply the same principles to treating them with treating your compulsion to pick your feet. moisturizing and massaging and then covering with comfy socks when you feel the compulsion might help. wearing gloves might help. removing the opportunity to pick at them whenever possible. might help. indulgent foot treatments might be encouraging. discussing this with your doctor would be a good thing. developing a good foot care regimen would be good. again, these are all ideas stemmed from good skin care in general. on top of that, a determined plan of action combined with the tactics you choose and commitment to stop the behaviour would help address it. best wishes to you with overcoming your current habits.