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felt_alone , 23 Apr 2010

I didn't Know

I've been picking and pulling the skin off the bottoms of my feet since I was about nine years old (24 now). It started, I believe, because I had an emotionally abusive step parent. Trying to talk to my mother about any issues just made the situation worse, so I began mutilating my feet for some sense of control. My life is fine now, but I still do it. Usually during a stressful situation or sometimes out of pure boredom. The point is, I thought I was the only one that did it. The only other people that know about my problem is my husband and my mother. I have been embarassed of it forever. Does anyone else out there pull the skin off their feet? If so, why did you start? Are there any tips about how to stop (I have tried several things).
1 Answer
April 24, 2010
try considering that feet picking is much the same as generalized skin picking which also encompasses scalp picking, cuticle picking, etc. and apply the same principles to treating them with treating your compulsion to pick your feet. moisturizing and massaging and then covering with comfy socks when you feel the compulsion might help. wearing gloves might help. removing the opportunity to pick at them whenever possible. might help. indulgent foot treatments might be encouraging. discussing this with your doctor would be a good thing. developing a good foot care regimen would be good. again, these are all ideas stemmed from good skin care in general. on top of that, a determined plan of action combined with the tactics you choose and commitment to stop the behaviour would help address it. best wishes to you with overcoming your current habits.

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