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Anyone read or bought the SKINPICK book featured??
I have been looking at books pertaining to disorders such as Dermatillomania, and haven't found much. I enjoy reading and learning as much information I can but I prefer the old school way of a book. And something I can add to my library. Just curious if anyone has read it and if they liked what they read or if its a waste of money.
May 07, 2010
Yea I bought a while ago and I found it to be very helpful. What I really liked about it was the fact that it was plain, simple and no medical crap no one can understand. What I did was I bought the book and printed it and gave it to my parents so they could get a clearer understanding of what I was feeling. Hope that helps.
May 16, 2010
i bought the book too. i thought it was ok. it went into a lot of other picking disorders that didnt pertain to me.