A list of online resources for skin picking
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In recent years we have seen an increase in awareness about skin picking disorder among those who are challenged by it and those in the medical and psychiatric fields as well. This has largely been due to the efforts of advocacy groups such as the then named Trichotillomania Learning Centre (TLC), now named the TLC Foundation for Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs). The Canadian BFRB Support Network, with one of the earliest and most vocal advocates, a skin picker herself, Angela Hartlin in their corner, have also been instrumental in advancing the knowledge and awareness of compulsive skin picking across the globe. This increase in awareness has led to increased interest among the research community, leading to further advances in our understanding of these conditions and improved treatment methods. The TLC Foundation for BFRBs also provide training to professionals with an interest in treating skin picking and hair pulling. The advent of the internet has meant that finding resources and information from the privacy and comfort of your own home is much easier and there are many other resources such as these available online. We have researched some of the well-established trusted sources:
Annette Pasternak
Annette is a skin picking coach who used to pick her own skin and succeeded to manage the disorder and is now dedicated to helping others do the same. She helps other people to understand their condition and shows them how they can stop picking their skin. On her website you can read her informative blog, purchase her skype-based or telephonic-based coaching program, or you can purchase her bestselling book, "Stop Skin Picking - The Freedom to Finally Stop".
URL: www.stopskinpickingcoach.com
The Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Center of Los Angeles
The OCDLA specializes in the treatment of OCD and related anxiety based disorders such as dermatillomania. Skin picking was first included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM5) in 2013 under the category OCD and Related Disorders (OCD-R). They offer a weekly, low-fee therapy group specifically for adults over the age of 18 with Dermatillomania and Trichotillomania (Hair Pulling Disorder). Many people secretly suffer with these conditions, and the goal of this group is to provide an inexpensive format in which individuals can learn to more effectively manage their skin picking and hair pulling within a safe, supportive environment.
URL: http://ocdla.com
Christina Pearson
Christina Pearson struggled with both trichotillomania and skin picking, and helps others to stop pulling out their hair and picking their skin by sharing mindfulness stress based reduction techniques. Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is an 8-week carefully designed class protocol that teaches people mindfulness meditation, mindful movement, and how to utilize these awareness-enhancing skills for stress reduction. Christina is also happens to be the founder of the TLC, but has since left the organization in the capable hands of its executive commitee as she focuses more on the practical implementation of treatment for BFRBs.
Elements Behavioural Health
Elements Behavioral Health provides unique programmes for people struggling with addiction and mental health disorders, including obsessive compulsive and related behaviours like compulsive skin picking.
Angela Hartlin
As mentioned, Angela Hartlin is one of the pioneers in skin picking advocacy and awareness efforts, having been one of the first sufferers to blog about her experienced. On her blog she tells the story about skin picking and overcoming it. You can also purchase her book on Amazon titled, "Forever Marked"
URL: http://www.skinpickingsupport.com
CBT Associates
CBT Associates is a large network of clinics that provides evidence-based psychological services to people of all ages and help them to deal with and overcome negative behaviours that impact on their quality of life, including skin picking disorder. You can browse the directory to find a CBT specialist in your area that has experience with skin picking.
URL: http://www.cbtassociates.com/about-you/problems-addressed/skin-picking-dermatillomania/
OCD Action
OCD is a charity that provides information on all OCD and related disorders including compulsive skin picking and strives to help people understand what obsessive compulsive disorder is.
URL: http://www.ocdaction.org.uk/support-info/related-disorders/compulsive-skin-picking
Anxiety UK
Anxiety UK is a resource for people with anxiety related conditions, including skin picking.
Anxiety is closely linked to the onset and perpetuation of compulsive skin picking.
There are numerous resources online, some helpful and informative, but also many scams that seek to prey on the vulnerabilities of other people. When searching for resources online always make sure to investigate the sources and nver part with your hard earned money unless you are satisfied their contact information is credible, they offer some kind of buyer protection such as a refund policy as we do on this site, or have a payment gateway like paypal that is secure and allows for payment disputes. Also check the reputation and longevity of the site by looking at their social media activity and reviews form other people. It s hoped that as awareness and understanding of this condition grows, so will the list of available resources.
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