Online Test for Skin Picking

How Severe is Your Picking Disorder? Find Out With This Free Online Test

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Dr. Sherise Prince


Dr. Sherise Prince


1247 7th Street, Suite 202, Santa Monica, CA 90401

24564 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 301 Torrance, CA 90505

Credentials and Degrees

Licensed Clinical Psychologist – PSY 22830


Offers Cognitive-Behavior Therapy, Behavior Therapy, Habit Reversal, Stimulus Control, Relaxation/Meditation-Mindfulness, & Acceptance & Commitment Therapy for adults with compulsive skin picking and trichotillomania. Evening appointments and sliding scale fees available.

Contact info

Phone: 310-582-5225 Web: Email: info [at]

Start your journey with SkinPick

Take control of your life and find freedom from skin picking through professional therapy and evidence-based behavioral techniques.

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