Online Test for Skin Picking
How Severe is Your Picking Disorder? Find Out With This Free Online Test
Take the testMike Miller, PhD
Mike Miller, PhD
30400 Detroit Rd. #304 Westlake, OH 44145 6133 Rockside Rd. #207 Independence, OH 44131
Credentials and Degrees
Licensed psychologist and Licensed Independent Chemical Dependency Counselor Trained by the Trichotillomania Professional Training Institute as well as The Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Foundation's Behavior Therapy Training Institute
Therapy methods
Primarily CBT, including Habit Reversal Training (HRT), Stimulus Control, Psychoeducation, as well as helping the person with whatever real life issues they have.
Treats adults, teens, and children from age of 6. Treatment of children involves the family. Most insurances accepted.
Contact info
For questions and personal correspondence - drmike [at] To make an appointment, call (216) 520-5969 Leave message if there's no answer. web: