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I had no idea...
I only just discovered that this was common... I had no idea other people were going through this. I am almost 24 and I have been picking my skin (mostly my arms, but my face now too) since I was a kid. It got better in elementary school but then junior high was bad and I never wore t-shirts. No one seemed to notice, not even my bf at the time. Now I am married and I vowed to stop before my wedding but even on my wedding day I had a few scars on my arms. My husband still doesn't know I have this problem, and neither do my friends. We went camping the other weekend and I had to wear a bathing suit and it was so hot I just didn't care if people saw my scabs. I just lie in the summer and say they are mosquito bites... this is awful! I don't know what to do. I will stand it front of the mirror for 30-40 minutes and totally zone out and the next thing I know my arms are covered in popped "pimples", but they aren't really pimples. Any pore, any "imperfection" I see, I have to get rid of it. But it only makes it worse and then I feel terrible after. What actually works to stop?
In reply to I have done that exact thing by julia-gullia