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Hi fellow pickers
I am ashamed to admit that I, too, am a long-time picker of any area on my body at all that is rough or has a wound. I don't stop picking until the scab is completely gone. They sometimes get very red and infected but that doesn't stop me. Nothing stops me until the scab is gone or if I have fake nails which keeps me from picking anything with my fingers. Sometimes I will find something else to pick with but having nails on makes me feel pretty and gives me something to be proud of so I usually leave my scabs alone.
Right now my head is filled with bloodied dried scabs but I still pry them off sometimes causing a lot of pain due to the deep digging that I "have" to do in order to pry them off. And when they get "lost" in my hair I get really aggravated and just keep searching for more and more.
I recently had a very sore right nostril. I noticed a pimple-like thing and even though it hurt like hell I picked and dug at it until it wasn't there anymore. The next thing I knew it was in my left nostril. I did the same thing until it was gone. I won't go to a doctor because of being ashamed of what I do.
Last year I sat out in the sun and I was also taking ritalin for depression prescribed by my psychiatrist. I developed a bunch of bubbles on my left arm and then a huge bubble-like blister on my upper arm. I picked it until it was gone but now I have a HUGE white scar and it is very noticeable and I am embarassed by that as well as how my arms and legs look as they are filled with scars from years of picking. And yes, I eat them too. If I lose the scab before I get to eat it, especially if it is a juicy one, I get very annoyed and irritated. I'm eating my own skin cells, infection and dried blood and hair follicles...How nasty but I still do it. It's my dirty little secret and I hate it so much. I'm too old to be doing things like that, but I still do it.
Come hell or high water, as soon as my sore cuticle heals (and I refuse to pick that) I am going to get my nails done so hopefully I can let my scalp heal. I feel as though I have bugs crawling on me sometimes which makes me itch, pick and dig even more at my head.
Anyway, thanks for listening. I am ashamed of this bad habit of mine. It is gross but I have been doing it for as long as I can remember.
Good luck to all who are trying to quit picking and eating.
In reply to have u told ur psychiatrist by squeezepickscar