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Breaking a habit I've had for most of my life
I've been picking my skin now for most of my life. It started in the third grade when, at a very young age, I hit puberty. My face started to erupt with bumps, and pimples.
It was my mom who first introduced me to the concept of picking my pimples. Since I had no other solution in dealing with this new and traumatic occurrence, I started to pick vigorously and still do to this day. I am now twenty years old and have tried EVERYTHING to quit. For a little while my mom tried paying me every day I didn't pick. I've also tried diets, exercise, expensive skin products and treatments, peals, affirmations, resolutions, covering all the mirrors in the house, friend support... the list goes on. Yet, I always give in to the powerful addiction. I am posting here because I want to try once again to give up this habit. This time I want to find a community of people who understand and will support me in the process. I want to keep a journal and try and notice what compels me to pick, what I am thinking when I start to do it. I want to think of something to take it's place. Something my hands can do to keep them engaged with something other than my pimples. I know this will be hard. The habit is deeply ingrained. But, I feel like if I could give up picking, then I could do anything. So starting now, I am going to to give it my all. I will be back to report my progress and experience. My resolution is to not pick for three days. If I can get through three days, then I will aim for a week. I hope to keep expanding my goal, but for now I need to start with something realistic and within my grasp. So here it goes...! If there is any advice people have, please share! I need all the help I can get.
In reply to Hi Unpicker, My names Emmi, by Emmi
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In reply to Emmi, thank you for the by unpicker