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Need some advice please!
Hello, my names Mykayla and I'm 18 years old. I scar extremely easily if I get cut or anything breaks my skin (even if I don't pick my skin). I have though been picking my skin since I was about 8 or 9 on my face, back and legs. It's gotten worse over the past 7 years, but I've gotten a lot better. I find myself not scratching and picking as much as I use to but I'm still left with all the scars. I've tried many things to no avail (Coco butter, bio oil, bleaching cream, nadinola). Wasted a lot of money on products that only help if the wound is still open. I've tried mixing products and even gotten prescriptions (*Hydroquinone 4% and Retin Tretinoin gel 0.04%) but none of them really did anything. They really only worked if I put it on a recently picked scab. I've gone to a dermatologist but all she did was reccomend over the counter products and she wasnt very helpful. Some people have told me about laser removal or plastic surgey but I'm not sure if that would really work. Any advice would be appreciated, and I've posted pictures below.
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