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Finished antibiotics for staph - still appears infected???
I picked a hole in my face last sunday and finally went to an after hours care clinic on wednesday night. I was told that the sore was infected with staph and I was given 7 days of Bactrim. I just finished my last dose tonight. It looks better, but it's still oozing a little bit and won't scab over completely. Also, I think a spot on my nose got a little infected too because now it's red and swollen around the sore. Any advice is appreciated!
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Same exact problem I had and I am suffering big!!! For one I found out I have severe anxiety so I'm always really anxious to get any kind of blemish off of me as anybody else probably would. I was continuously trying to clean my infections out and I used every remedy in the book. I'm an ex cosmetologist and was trained on skincare but that didn't matter.
I picked and picked until it got so deep and you think all you're doing is cleaning the infection out. Staph infection doesn't clean out it just spreads when you mess with it.
Do not pick at it and only use fresh clean hot cloth to soak. When it's still soggy after soaking put a bandage over it so the infection can drain onto the gauze. Change the gauze continually and keep always fresh guys over it.
You need antibiotics right away because if you don't you're going to be like me going on round 2 of antibiotics and being hooked up to an IV.
I just seen my doctor this morning and started second round of medication. I'm on clindamycin this round and my doctors worried they're going to have a hard time getting rid of it.
I had it infected tattoo many many years ago that I never treated and eventually it healed but to this day I think I've been carrying staff around for years.
I started breaking out on my back my face and every once in a while I had blemishes that trailed each other on my legs. About a year ago I finally started seeing a dermatologist who kept telling me I did not have staff. I was trying to push for someone to believe that I had staph. I was told if I had staff I would be half dead in the hospital so it could not be staff. I ended up going to the ER May 12th 2017 with my lower chin rotting off pretty much. Started getting headaches and feeling crappy but then I always feel crappy and walk around light headed all the time. Not feeling good all the time added to me thinking I had staph but then enough Dr..
I ended up hooked up to an IV for a couple hours and thankfully got to go home.
I feel like my entire body feels poisoned.
If you believe you have staph do not give up going to the doctor. Better yet do what I did and just walk your butt into the ER because that's the only person who would listen and it took my whole entire face to blow up first.
Let's just say I have their full attention now.
On the way to recovery finally.