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tarab , 20 Jan 2009

Split End Pickers?

Okay, I don't know if ya'll do this but, I rip out my split ends and I have to see what they look like. I have to ge them all out of my hair. I am ripping out the back of my hair! Help, do you do this?
185 Answers
April 07, 2013
oh goodness I'm so happy I'm not alone when it comes to this! I always pick at my ends I totally cant help it! I cant even remember when it all started but i have always picked at them. Its gotten to the point where I don't care who I'm with or where i am i will go through my hair and find a split some where, or if I'm in class and I see one I have to get it or it drives me crazy! Now I dye my hair all the time so my hair at the ends is pretty dead so I always find the weirdest splits like ones within ones and I'm all happy I found one and I cant help but pull it apart I hate it after though cause I find all those little hairs everywhere and it makes me feel nasty, like a dog shedding. For me it doesn't even matter if I cut my hair short I always find a end and pick at it. Its sad i even know the best places on my head to find the best splits. Its such a full blown bad habit but it relaxes me for some reason. At least I know I'm not alone when it comes to this annoying habit.
April 13, 2013
Hey ladies. I initially began using the jar/quarters method, and I've been keeping my hair in a ponytail most of the time to make things easier. I've now gone 6 weeks without picking a split end, but I'm still so tempted! Even in a ponytail, I want to bring the ends into view so I can "investigate" the ends. I've gone through such a mental battle with this, to the point where I've wondered if it's really *worth* breaking the habit. Maybe I could just allow myself 10 minutes each day, right? So tempting, but I know that I NEED to get to the point where I just don't care about the split ends at all. I have bought hydrating shampoo/conditioner (but haven't used them yet) that will hopefully, at the very least, hide the split ends from me. It's just so difficult. I thought it would get easier with time, but it hasn't been, because the longer you go without picking, the more split ends remain in your hair. I got a haircut two weeks ago, and that helped a bit. But not for too long. My hair is about down to my elbows. I'm considering cutting it much shorter (maybe shoulder length?) if it would help, but I know my boyfriend wouldn't be happy about it (he has no idea about any of this), and I would prefer to keep fairly long hair anyway. I'm just feeling a bit hopeless right now, since I've had the physical success of not picking, but I am still battling for mental success over this.
April 14, 2013
You don't know how glad I am that I found this website. I always thought that it was just me... It all started in 7th grade. I was perfectly fine with my hair, but one day I was in class and some girl walked up to me and said "YOU NEED A HAIR CUT! Look at those split ends!" I didn't even know what a split end was until she explained it. After that, I would only do it when I was bored. Then my family and I went on a trip, by car, and I became obsessed. I would turn my moms iPad onto a white screen and I had at it. Then my teachers would single me out because I would be dozed off in a hair picking mode, so they would call on me and I wouldn't know the answer. Whenever we get partners in school, the partner would come to my desk and it would have hair strands all over it. When I pick, I don't pull the hair from my scalp, I simply just wrap my finger around it and pull it a few inches above where the split is. I have recently figured out that after you take a shower and your hair is still damp, but your able to see the split ends, if you begin to split the hair it will go all the way to the scalp.I've know that for a while but this morning after my shower I got onto my computer and I went berserk. I'll bet that I split 50-100 hairs, all the way to the scalp and I WAS PROUD OF MYSELF. After I split them I looked at the now two pieces of hair and saw all of the splits that I just created and I almost start laughing because I think it's so amazing. Whenever I find a split with more than 4 on it, I congratulate myself. Once I even caught myself thinking "THIS IS WHY I PICK! TO FIND THE TREE HAIRS!!!" Soon enough, my parents caught on to my obsession and whenever they see me doing it they will say "STOP PICKING YOUR HAIR!" They don't understand. I can't. I honestly wish that I could stop. It's getting in the way of my life. All of my friends tell me how bad it is for my hair, and I know what it's doing. But I can't stop. Even when I put my hair in a ponytail or braid, my hair is long enough that I can pull it around to my face and I can still pick. I NEED HELP DESPERATELY.
April 15, 2013
i straiten my hair all the time, but i love it like that, i will sometimes let it go naturally wavy and or put stuff in to help it make it more wavy... ive dyed my hair too much aswell, any or all can be the reason for the split ends, but it is like a crazy ocd addiction or something, i do it almost 2-3 times a day, where i see like 8 pieces coming off 1 strand its like eww and you know theres soo much more, but you cant get it all so i eventually get pissed and disgusted and just strart pulling (near the ends) and lotsssssss just easily come off, i wonder how many ppl may notice and does my hair look bad/unhealthy someone help!!!! :(
April 15, 2013
I love picking at my split ends. Sometimes I think it is addictive. I am constantly checking my hair for split ends or breaks. I love finding strands that have a bunch of splits going up it. I once found one with fifteen splits. Today I found one with a bunch of small ones close together going up. I'm not really interested in the ones at the end that are just Y's. I prefer ones with more than one split. I like the smaller one bunched together because they kind of have a fluffy look to them. I also like it when I find a break. I will bend it a bit before I let it break off. Sometimes I find ones with multiple breaks in it, and some are close together. I get my hair trimmed often, so I am always disappointed one I get my hair cut and then split ends are gone. It's so strange to find a forum like this. I thought I was the only one who enjoyed them. I thought most women would be upset that their hair is damaged. I know it's likely from my hair straightened. I notice I can see them better when I have the lights out and I am in front of my computer. So at night when I can't sleep I sit in the dark in front of my computer and I pick at my split ends. It's something that can keep me occupied for a long time.
April 20, 2013
first of all, i'm 12, turning 13 in less than two weeks. when i was 8 or 9, 3rd grade or so;i started pulling out my eyelashes. yeah, ive had trich (trichotillomania) i think its about 5 years now. just recently i stopped pulling my eyelashes. it always used to get to me because i looked so stupid without them and i would always cry at night. my friends got used to it and knew not to talk about it. then i moved on to middle school and that meant a bunch of new people, always asking me why i didnt have eyelashes and i was always stressed. so a few months ago, i stopped. completely. i dont even care about them, they dont bother me, and i dont wear makeup so im not constantly looking at them. so naturally, i had to start all over: with my split ends. ive been picking them for about 9 months so far, and im addicted. ive probably pulled out like 20 just writing the beginning of this comment. basically i stop whatever im doing, sit there for hours, and ruin my hair. i recently had state testing, and it was timed for 4 hours, and i found that i spent about 2 hours picking my ends (its lucky im smart and finished quickly) and my black tshirt was covered in my hair. its not noticable because its always at the nape of my neck, ive actually ripped off about 12 inches off some of my hair. and they dont seem to want to get shorter so theyre long enough to look stupid but not short enough to look natural. i know some people have strategies to stop but i dont know any and ive already cut my hair (it didnt work). any for any of you here who dont actually pull their hair who might ever wish to call me stupid because who pulls their hair, well i do. you dont understand what its like to hate yourself so much and it feels like someones taking over your hands and your life. you feel like a complete stranger to yourself, locked in a cage, only being able to watch as something causes you to rip your hair apart. i feel disgusting.
May 01, 2013

In reply to by ab2552

You sound exactly like me! Same age same problem. Want to let you know I completely understand and am here for you! It feels like you're no longer in control and its starts effecting your whole life!
April 21, 2013
I can't believe there is a group for this. As a teenager I used to spend hours splitting my split ends. I stopped after a couple of years, I don't know why. Now I am retired and have a lot of free time and about a month ago I started doing it again! My husband told me (in a concerned way) he hates to see me do that and I felt so embarrassed. My mom used to yell at me all the time when I did it as a teen but that made me want to do it even more. My scalp hurts but I can't seem to leave my hair alone. :( It's shoulder length and I don't want to get it cut super short but I'm considering it now.
April 22, 2013
I wish more ladies would report back here every few weeks with updates.. I had gone 2 months without picking/cutting a single split end. I only accomplished this through some will power and a lot of putting my hair up in a pony tail (even though it's still long and I can still see the ends). I was feeling accomplished after the first month. But then the splits started getting long and longer, and my hair felt dry and gross, and I just felt ugly. I wouldn't pick or cut the split ends, but I would want to inspect them and then just leave them be. Staring at some major split ends in my hair, I just couldn't see how this was healthy for my hair. You see, I am addicted to picking my split ends, but mostly, whenever possible, I would use a pair of baby scissors to cut the splits off. I had gotten a haircut after about 4 weeks of not cutting my split ends, but it only helped a bit... So after watching the split ends grow and grow, I decided it couldn't be good for my hair. After reading about split ends some more online, I decided to break my "fast" and I spent today trimming split ends out of my hair. It was a gutsy move. Honestly, I felt really bad breaking my "fast." But I decided I needed the trim, and I can't afford to pay $30 for a haircut every 4 weeks. So I trimmed a lot of my ends today. I tried to focus mostly on the big ones that are working their way up the shaft, because they're most damaging to my hair if I don't get them. But when all was said and done, my hair was so much more silky and smooth than before, and a slight miracle: I was satisfied with enough of the split ends gone that I am now wearing my hair down, enjoying the silky smooth texture, and not tempted to look for the few more split ends that I KNOW are still there. :) Now that I think my hair is mostly smoothed out now, I'm going to focus on PREVENTING split ends so there are less to tempt me. I will start using hydrating shampoo and conditioner, (shampooing only scalp), and tonight or tomorrow I'm going to head to the store to pick up a heavy conditioner to use weekly. I'm also going to make a conscious effort to be gentle with my hair when brushing/combing. As for the "trimming" like I did today, I think I will limit it to one day a week, or one day every two weeks (I'll have to decide when it seems necessary). Ok, well that's my update with my new strategy: willpower, hair up to help break the habit some, trim the ends really good when they start getting ridiculous, and then focus on PREVENTION to make it all easier the next time around.
May 01, 2013
You have no idea how happy I am to have found this! I'm 12,13 in 15 days, and can't stop. My hair a complete mess and it looks awful. All my friends yell and hit me when i do it! Its so addictive. It sounds so stupid when i talk to anyone about it but is so difficult! I can't stop looking at my hair! Its so dry and horrid. I try so hard to stop but even when I'm not looking at my hair I'm feeling for split ends and pulling them through my nails! I get covered in hair all the time and once in class i gathered up all my hair and it was crazy how much was there. Even if i get it cut i still look! I can't help it. Since now nobody understands. It feels like its taking over my life and there is nothing i can do about it! My english teacher told my mother that i have been zoning out in hair mode. I can't stop, I've started to hack at it with scissors now. Any pair i see i'll nip at the ends. Even if they're not split i pull at them until they are! I've started pulling at the back of my hair now and if i put my hair up all the back it really short under all my hair. HELP!
May 01, 2013
HI!!! I am very glad to have found this! O geez. I am picking split ends as I do this. Yipee. i just need someone to check in with me to make sure I am breaking my habit!!
May 06, 2013
I decided to cut about 6 inches off of my hair, so now it is a cute bob instead of a fried, uneven mess. I got my hair cut by a friend who is a stylist, so she didn't say anything about the damaged state of my hair like the last lady did! And it's short enough that all the patches of shorter hair (from breaking it) are invisible. After I got my hair cut, I didn't pick for like 2 days which is the longest in years! I've started picking a little bit at the front again, but I'm trying really hard not to. I don't want my hair growing out and looking awful again! It was cool to sign back in today and see the new people who have joined--I really didn't think anyone else had this problem. Thanks to all of you for being here :)
May 08, 2013
do not do that! instead use a pair of new scissors and clip the end.
May 21, 2013
So ive just come across this forum now, is there a diagnosis for this problem? ive had an obsession to pick and cut my split ends ever since i was 11, now i am 20, it has become worse over time and like a lot of you have written i got the same problems. i can spend hours at a time jus looking at my hair for split end and then ripping them off and if i get hair scissors its even worse as il literally cut every single one i see until i go cross eyed! its so bad i hate doing it but yet get so much satisfaction. and when i dont look at my hair im feeling thru them constantly, i do it in public, at uni, tv, work , everywhere it so embarrassing i know it looks weird and i really do want to stop. i know its damaging to my hair but its an overwhelming urge to jus pick and pull. it surely just cant be a dirty habit? my head itches right now for me to just pick pick pick!!! help guys! what do you advise?
May 29, 2013
Wow, I am happy I found this site as well:) I am mostly a split end picker. But tend to pick my eyelashes at times too:( I can't remember when I started but I am 35 now and know its prob been 20 or so yrs but seems a bit worse over the past couple yrs or so. I can also just sit there for hrs picking my hair and not even notice how much time has went by. I try to wear my hair up a lot so I won't pick as much, but every chance I have, I do it. I have never talked to anyone about it. I know ppl see me do it, but just never talked about. I rarely get my hair cut cause I am so ashamed how horrible my hair looks. And when I do, I lie and say I just have really bad hair that grows weird, lol. But I'm pretty sure the hairdressers know the truth. I am so bad with doing it that I sometimes just rip at my ends and get a few pieces ripped off. My hair basically looks kinda like I got electrocuted. Not quite that bad but its all different lengths. And it of course shows really bad right after I wash it. So I try to use lots of product and straighten it. Kinda helps but not a whole lot. I really wish I could stop but it is so addicting. But it is kinda a relief that I know I'm not the only one with this problem. But crappy at the same time cause I feel so bad for everyone who has it.
June 06, 2013
I was bullied when I was 11, as a result I used to pull my hair out (usually the coarser rough ones) but I eventually stopped that and then by the age of 14/15 I developed a habit to pick my split ends. I'm 23 now I still pick my split end but not as impulsively as I once did, I feel as if moments I'm feeling insecure or nervous about something I'm at my worst but also when I'm bored I find myself searching for the illusive multiple split hair, or the regular split end. Sometimes if I feel that the split part it is too far up I pull the hair out completely. My hair isn't in bad condition but thats due to regular hair cuts and deep conditioning, my hair was at its worst when I started this habit 12/13! I hope one day I will be able to get over my insecurities and completely stop damaging my hair!
June 12, 2013
I honestly don't want to admit to myself that I have such a serious problem. I really hate myself for picking at my hair so much and am so embarrassed by it. I just want my hair to be healthy and split end free. I feel so helpless because of my picking and so dumb that I let myself get so obsessed! Reading through everyone's posts, I cat help but ball my eyes out. I have been picking for about 7 months and I do of when I get bored or stressed or anxious. My mom hates that I do it and so do I! I need help!
June 12, 2013
I honestly don't want to admit to myself that I have such a serious problem. I really hate myself for picking at my hair so much and am so embarrassed by it. I just want my hair to be healthy and split end free. I feel so helpless because of my picking and so dumb that I let myself get so obsessed! Reading through everyone's posts, I cat help but ball my eyes out. I have been picking for about 7 months and I do of when I get bored or stressed or anxious. My mom hates that I do it and so do I! I need help!
June 15, 2013
I have been picking my split ends since I was 19 I am 38 now, started when friend told me what split ends were, I have been completly obsessed by it, I used to have long thick, hair, now its above my shoulders and thinner,? I am finding as the years go on its getting shorter and shorter, luckily I have a lovely hairdresser, when I go instead of me saying I will have a trim I say can you level me up, if its someone different I do feel embarrased. I even pulled a split end of a strangers hair who was sat infront of me on a bus, it was massive hanging on the hand rail so I put my finger on the end so when she moved it snapped off, she didnt even notice, but how cheeky was that!!! If my daughter is near me I really have to stop myself looking at her hair too. And it doesnt make a difference people telling you to stop or hitting your hand. For the first time ever only because I dont want any shorter hair I am now trying to stop its only day. 2 and its soooo hard, hopeing I will get to day 3, wish me luck.
June 18, 2013
Well its been 4 days and I have only picked once, and I did it without even thinking, as soon as I realised I stopped, it just proves how many times I used to do it without really knowing. All I can say is now I keep my hair up a bit longer and I am keeping my hands busy mainly playing on my phone, I also pick my skin on my feet, but I am not stopping that yet, one step at a time, I will try and update every so often, hopefully to share my story with you all and so you know there are other people out there who do it too, its nice to know im not the only one walking round with a lop sided haircut!!! Tata4 now.

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