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Trumplet , 06 Feb 2013

Talking to parents.

Ok, so how do I talk to my lovey dovey parents about this? It'll break my mom's heart. I mean, she might already know about it and not talked to me, but I kinda want her to know. I want her to not be mad. She's going to think I'm over reacting. I took a test and I got 20 items. It said if you picked 7 or more theres a high probability. 20 ITEMS!!!!!!!!!!! Plus, after all my research, I am thoroughly convinced I have Dermatillomania. Is there a shorter name for Dermatillomania? Like trichotillomania has trich. Please read...
5 Answers
February 06, 2013
I dont know, but when you work up the courage please let me know how it goes. I'm 23 (btw, how old arr you?) and still haven't had the talk with my parents. I'm currently at my worst ever right now... Probably close to 100-200 blemishes or sores spread across my body, at least 30 on my face, anywhere from the size of a small tick bite to a large thumbnail. It's pretty obvious but I don't think they know how bad it really is. It's really killing me inside and out. I can't stand it.
February 06, 2013

In reply to by Stahppit

I'm 13 and I don't think I'll get enough courage anytime soon. I have too many facial blemishes to count but I only have maybe 6 blemishes on my body. That's the least ever. All my facial blemishes are acne. They're the same as yours. Small as a tick, big as a thumbnail.
February 06, 2013

In reply to by Trumplet

Luckily for you, it's just acne at that age... Nobody is gonna think there is anything wrong with you. Capitalize on that over the next few years and try to get better.. once you become an adult it is much much harder to try and explain scabs and sores..Good luck!
February 07, 2013

In reply to by Stahppit

OH MY GOD I'm having a breakdown. I'm crying so hard I can barely see the screen. I was so close to telling my mom about dermatillomania! She also said I should keep a journal. And I am. She just doesn't know. I don't know what happened but I can't stop crying...

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