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kcantwell , 16 Feb 2013

Possible cure

Look - There is a possible way to stop your compulsion in a short period of time that costs you nothing now or ever - except for a little time. I will tell you about a mental exercise that has worked for most who tried it. I'm not going to describe it here because it is somewhat complicated. But if you e-mail me at, I will tell you about it and you can try it. I am an individual, not connected with any academic or commercial organization. I was a picker for many years and discovered the system accidently. So let's hear from you and get started with an exercise that could change your life. I post this message from time to time on this site and most of those who have responded and followed the instructions as prescribed have been successful in their desire to quit these annoying and frequently destructive picking compulsions. So e-mail me. And in one week you will have made significant progress in stopping your compulsion.
6 Answers
February 19, 2013
Is this so-called cure a drug? Or a routine that costs $$$? I'm also afraid to email you due to the untrustworthiness of the Internet. Sorry. -Jasmine
February 19, 2013

In reply to by Trumplet

kcantwell I understand your concern. It is not a drug. It costs nothing. It is a simple mental exercise that has been effective in stopping compulsions. It has cured me and many others. Let me hear from you. Ken
March 13, 2013
this sounds like spam. If it is not, then prove it and post here whatever you would e-mail us.
March 13, 2013

In reply to by plasticina

kcantwell OK, Plasticina, I will. I have posted it twice before. I had no responses from those postings whereas I always get two or three postings from those where I request that they e-mail me. I want to know the experience of those who practice the exercise. And I can and will answer questions on why it works and provide testimonials from others who have succeeded in ridding themselves of their compulsion. No names though. Here is the exercise: Choose some easy reading matter. Choose a simple sentence mantra. I use, "I know what I'm doing." While you are reading, voice your mantra over and over without stopping. You will see words that you know but they do not seem to register their meaning. This is because by voicing the mantra you are blocking the normal pathways to cognizance. Do not yield to the temptation to stop the mantra. Read your sentences of phrases several times if necessary. The meaning will be reestablished and when it does you will have created new neural pathways to cognizance. Do this exercise for twenty minutes in the morning and then ten minutes before sleep. In one week or less your compulsion will either be cured or significantly reduced. Please let me know if you will try and how you are doing. Believe me - this really works. All correspondence is confidential. Ken
March 14, 2013

In reply to by kcantwell

thanks for sharing that, it was nice of you. But I don't think I'm gonna try it, I'm sorry. I'm a very impatient person, and I don't think I would be able to spend 20 minutes repeating the same sentence, I would probably get annoyed by the 2nd minute... Don't think it would work as a cure for me, but I'm happy that it works for others!

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