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Picking at my lips
Hello, I have been picking my lips since I was 12 and hated it ever since. I literally tell myself everyday that I will stop this, but as soon as I feel like picking I start doing it all over again. I think my main problem is that my lips dry too much and I can't stand the feeling of them peeling off so I want to get rid of the peeling but then again this causes more peeling and it's a never ending vicious cycle. I don't know what else to do, sometimes they hurt so bad but I still pick and they bleed. The worst part is when they have scabs and I have to go out or meet people. I know I can't hide it so I will just feel self conscious all the time or just choose not to go anywhere at all and miss opportunities. I really want and need for this to stop. I feel hopeless. And also, I read that doing this may cause cancer as new skin cells are formed too often and out of control.
In reply to Nadine, journaling about by rosa111