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Day 6
Well, I'm back and its been six days since my last post but my skin is doing a lot better since then and I have managed to not pick at my face. However, I did pull off a scab that was healing and scratched off a few dried up pimples but that's it. Face is really looking a lot better. I'm hoping to keep staying strong, I still have the urge but I've been trying some new things, one that really has been working for me is staying out of the mirror if possible. I'm taking it one day at time but I am determined to beat this. I will keep you all posted because I want to share this with as many people as I can. As a sufferer for 9 yrs plus, I'm finally ready to get my story out, as I help myself I want to help others. This disorder needs to start getting more awareness, it is a serious problem and there is not enough outlets, its time that changed!
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