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MRSA and Skin Picking
Has anyone else developed dermatillomania after having MRSA? While in college, I caught MRSA on my back, probably from the shared, dorm room bathrooms. Ever since then I have been a compulsive picker, completely tearing my skin to shreds every night leaving gashes and open sores. I also apply so much Hibiclens, Bactroban and other chemicals in fear that it may be MRSA. I have always had mild acne, so this has severely effected my face.
How can I be professional with these nasty sores on my face? I have done everything from faked sick, just to hide out in my home all day and taken longer lunch hours than I should to hide in the bathroom trying to fix my makeup. I have spent thousands of dollars on different products, thinking that if I can 100% clear my skin, then maybe I will not pick.
How can I overcome this insanity? I often wish I could live like other people, who do not constantly worry about their skin, but fear I am spiraling into a depression. I can't swim, or do anything that will run my makeup, or people will know of my problem.
Does anyone have suggestions? I am becoming desperate and would love some inspiration, success stories or ideas on how to beat this.
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