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valentine , 06 Sep 2013

Zero tolerance policy?

Hi All. I'm back after a long time of not picking because I've started it up again. It's limited to my KP bumps on my arms and my bikini area. It's way better than it used to be but after being pick free, any picking feels like failure--even though I know that relapses are common. Anyway, I'm going to try and post here daily for a while. I am trying a zero-tolerance policy per my therapist's suggestion, so I can't do what I do when I tell myself, 'oh, I'll just get this one spot and then I'll stop.' Anyone else interested in coming along for the ride? Today is day zero for me. Hopefull, I'll get to Day 1 tomorrow night. Wish me luck!
64 Answers
November 23, 2013
Still no picking... well, one bump on my arm today but the KP bumps are mainly gone making it MUCH easier to not pick (my face is clear & i haven't waxed lately so my bikini line isn't a temptation). Really have been pick-free between posts but see from today's lone pick that it still holds appeal. Have to stay strong. Hope everyone is hanging in there. Would love to hear how people are doing....
November 24, 2013

In reply to by valentine

Congratulations, I am doing better by some diet, a non sugar, yeast, grains, dairy, legumes, and process foods diet for a month or so, got it from some guy on youtube call Wilding, he had it all over his body and became free from it without exercising willpower

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