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heychels , 21 Sep 2013

30 day no picking challenge

well, my face looks absolutely terrible right now... i'm taking 6 classes in college and take every ounce of stress out through picking my face. i have no confidence right now, i have to cake on makeup to look presentable, which is discouraging because i don't like looking completely unnatural. every since the age of 12-13 i've had consistent acne and unusually oily skin. i have had the following red/blue light treatments, dermabrasion, chemical peels, doxy/mino antibiotics, assortment of vitamins. the only thing i haven't tried was accutane, the reason being was the extravagant cost. my challenge i'm presenting does not show me results, i will in fact opt for accutane. (which my term recommended) i'm saddened that i've dodged several gatherings within the last 8-9 years do to this fucking acne. so here is to day 1, which shall start tomorrow since i picked my face plenty of times today. my regiment regarding cleansing is using the acne-free severe kit which has steps 1-4, to help dry up my acne and scaring (it has a retinol complex cream) i have had great success with it before, as long as i don't pick my face for no reason. i guess i can elaborate on my picking too, i pick no matter what.. whether my face is clear it is always short lived because i'm so used to picking that it becomes second nature. i do it consciously, unconsciously, boredom, etc. whatever life provides in the stress area, i take it out on my face. i'm assured it makes my depression worse and all around triggers other unnecessary mental issues. i plan on updating daily to provide a detailed description of how my face is doing without touching/picking. i'm going to give the full report of whats going on now 17 active pimples all over but majority are on my cheeks, lots of scarring and pink hyper-pigmentation, very oily skin. bleh D:
34 Answers
September 21, 2013
so i haven't picked since 8ish last night, it's is now 10:38 in the morning.. the pimples are currently very red and irritated but nothing to pop, since i already did that yesterday and the day before. i'll be in the healing process probably till this coming wednesday, i look forward to seeing less redness by then. i washed my face with the bacteria face wash and i don't plan on looking in the mirror all day. touching my face will be difficult, i like to feel if the pimples are healing but it's totally uncalled for since it contributes to more clogged pores. i'm really in it to win it, i want a change in my life. i'll post tonight possibly to say if my redness has gone down or not.
September 21, 2013
it's now 7:35 and my face feels considerably less sore compared to this morning, no other change then that. Haven't picked in 24 hrs.
September 22, 2013
whether anyone bothers commenting on this or not, i'll proceed to use it as a journal for my skin. i just did my 4 step treatment before going to bed, still didn't pick.. although tempted because i have a white head on my chin. my scabs seem to be healing nicely, although i just picked yesterday. i'm feeling some what hopeful that this will be the break through that i needed for stopping this horrible picking habit. i noticed today, i'm always feeling for something to pick at whether on my body or anything else! completely embarrassing, i'm terminating this habit forever!!! so here to is today 1 of no picking :) i have plans for next weekend and hope my skin recovers fast, so i don't look like a mess.
September 22, 2013
i'm very curious if anyone has information on once the skin is healed and the scabs are ready to come off, what is the right way to get them off. exfoliating isn't an option for me, (i break out from it) and picking them off i'd just rather find an alternative
September 22, 2013
going on day 2 of no picking :) i did my 4 step facial regime this morning. i have 2 new pimples.. one on on my forehead and another above my eyebrow. my pimples are drying up, but are still red. the fact i didn't try to pop the two pimples i woke up with was a big step for me, i don't even want too.
September 22, 2013
the whitehead i had on my chin yesterday has vanished without picking it as well :) i'll update before i go to bed.
September 22, 2013
the two pimples i woke up with are totally pop-worthy and it's becoming difficult to resist picking at them, i guess this will show what truly happens to a unpicked pimple BECAUSE im not picking mu face anymore. almost nearing the completion of day 2, looking forward for the days to come.
September 23, 2013
my face within 2 days has showed remarkable progress without any picking (mainly talking about healing) my pimples i've woken up with are getting smaller, thank god.
September 23, 2013
my skin is looking so much better than saturday, redness is almost gone. i have A LOT of dry skin but i can't exfoliate it yet, i know if i did the skin underneath wouldn't be completely healed. this is a big step for me because i'm usually very anxious to remove dead skin to brighten my face up. not this time, it usually just aggravates new acne to emerge anyway. i'll wait till wednesday or thursday to see if it's ready then because i don't want reoccurring dry skin/scabs from previous pimples, guhhh.
September 24, 2013
my skin is looking clearer by the second, i'm really happy. my last face wash was before i went to bed.. removed a lot of the dry skin patches, i have 3 little scabs remaining right now. day three of no picking!
September 24, 2013
if i can continue not picking and just focus on fading my scars, i look forward to that greatly
September 25, 2013
so i've completed day four! my skin is looking really awesome, i almost forgot what my skin looked like unpicked. it's heals rather fast, thankfully. i've been very conscious in class regarding not touching my face too.
September 25, 2013
i'm also a college student and i just wanted to say keep up the good work!! i understand how hard it is to resist the urge but when i am able to go a few days without picking it is so rewarding. you got thissssss
September 26, 2013
FIVE DAYS I've gone without picking! my skin looks really good, i have a pimple in my eyebrow lol and a small cyst on my chin but i have no urge to pick either of them. If i picked the chin pimple it would take forever to go away, i'm sooo sick of going through the process of picking, then popping, it scabs over and then you have to pop it again because it was never ready to pop in the first place. this is really good, i have festival to go to saturday and i don't need a throbbing infected pimple visible to everyone. can't even see why i picked all these years int he first place, it's dumb.
September 26, 2013
BTW: longest i've gone without picking i THINK was a week since i hit puberty

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