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Breathitout , 22 Oct 2013

Stop picking challenge

I'm so tired of picking, it's getting ridiculous, so I'm just going to post here everyday and see if I can stop. Maybe by posting it here I'll feel obligated or something. This is not my first attempt at stopping but hopefully it will be my last.It makes me extremely sad because I used to have nice soft skin and now it's just ruined and I feel that way inside aswell. I just need to get my skin back to normal and stop obsessing over it and just leave it alone. I know I need to stay really focused on my goal and try to stay happy and positive and not let the rest of the world affect me in such a terrible way. So, since I picked today I'm starting the count from tomorrow, we'll see how it goes. It has to go well. Thanks for reading :) "We can do anything if we stick to it long enough"
40 Answers
November 03, 2013
5x. So I picked a little bit today. Nothing bad though, so I'm not going to count it. and I didn't even feel anxious or sad or consumed by it.. i'm still trying to figure out it that is a good thing or not. At least I was able to stop and I just popped and didn't dig in my skin like crazy, and i told myself to stop and I calmly did. This is weird but I think im getting better at letting my face do its thing and stop worrying so much. I started using skeyndor cleansing foam once a day and if any of you have used it i'd love to hear how it worked for you.
November 04, 2013
1xx. Din't pick at all. My face looks okay I guess, forehead is red and some pimples are forming all around, but nothing to get anxious about, make up covers it all. I'm starting back at day one because I really want to get this right and even though yesterday's picking wasn't bad at all I feel like a cheater if I keep counting lol. So yep, I'm back stronger than ever. I have my triggers figured out, and what I'm gnna try to do is accept myself, and whenever i get the urge just notice it but chose not to give in. I don't know if this makes sense but it's been working out for me today, even with feeling my face which I'm never aware of doing it. Anyway, let's see how this goes. Only thing making me a bit mad is the fact that I've already slipped twice andddd.. well it sucks a lot to be honest. I would be 2 weeks clean but oh well, you may have to fight a battle more than once to win it. oh, AND on the bright side, in 2 weeks I've only picked twice! That's better tthan nothing.
November 04, 2013

In reply to by Breathitout

Oh and just to keep record, I got the urge 3 times or so while at home. I noticed it, accepted, and started doing something else to keep my mind off it. In class I caught myself feeling my face and immediatly stopped. So one step at a time.
November 05, 2013
2xx. No picking. Just one pimple and stopped right after. I've been getting the urge to pick all day cause my forehead feels bumpy and dry with all the scabs but i've ignored it so that's good. right now im in such a good mood because pimples don't even bother me really, only if they hurt and some do. but like i was in class and i wasn't self concious about my face even though make up was starting to wear off and my forehead looked shiny and kinda gross in my opinion but i didn't freak out over it. that's progress!
November 06, 2013
3xx. No picking, same as yesterday. My forehead is super congested right now, a lot of whiteheads, i don't know what to think. It's my fault obviously but it's not clearing up and i'm starting to freak out a little bit. Maybe it has to do with the Skeyndor foam.. my face has been looking worse these days. I think I'm gonna give it untill sunday to see if there's a difference and if not i'll go back to my natural stuff. I just keep telling myself that if i'm patient it will all be worth it. Just let it heal on its own and don't try to rush the process because it may get worse. Anyway, been doing really good ignoring my urges. Just noticing them and right in that moment start doing something else.
November 07, 2013
4xx. No picking. I did pop 2 little pimples but nothing bad. I just can't wait for my face to really clear up.
November 08, 2013
5xx. No picking at all. My face seems clearer now, i still have some scars and scabs but they'll go away hopefully. I've been wanting to pick my bumps a lot, but i've managed the urge.
November 10, 2013
6xx. No picking at all. This is as far as i've previously made it. Yessss, let's keep this up :) Its hard to control the urges though, but not as bad as it could be. Everytime I feeel a bump or pimple i cringe though. Still i am doing pretty good.
November 10, 2013
7xx. Did some picking today. The reason was stress pretty much. And the fact that my face is still congested after a weak, so i'm starting to use only natural products again. My face has been feeling so greasy all the time and ugh. I've realized this is nothing but a process, and that i'm getting better and better at it, today i didn't want to pick everything in my face, just some pimples and big bumps, so that's good. i really didn't damage it at all. I'm not going to start counting because this is like i said, a process in which i'm suppose to get better and learn, so it's just a continuous thing that i'll have to work on day by day. I think journaling here really helps though. And maybe i'll always pick a pimple once in a while, but the fact is that i don't feel like getting everything out for no reason. Maybe overtime i'll get better at this and stop caring about my imperfections all together.
November 13, 2013
I picked last night. Nothing bad but i'm still mad at myself because i didn't even see it coming.
November 16, 2013
I picked today. I was doing fine. I didn't even have a reason too. I am so scared about the marks and scars i dont even know how to stop. it seems like i have it under control and some days later i've lost it again. it's frustrating. I don't know what to do anymore.
November 18, 2013
I hope that you're doing better, best of luck
November 22, 2013
So tired of trying and failing. I don't even feel like making an effort to stop anymore. And my skin gets worse everyday and i just can't take it anymore. I hate this. I don't want to give up but it feels like i already did.
November 23, 2013

In reply to by Breathitout

I was feeling the same yesterday. But we should try. I took a photo of my ugly self to see every time i think of picking. I will also get a mask to put if I´m on the edge, clay mask. I will keep taking photos and see how I heal. Maybe you should do the same. Let your skin heal, try to let it get stronger and you will see that it won´t even need so much picking. Just force yourself to do anything else when you are about to and staring the mirror. Please, lets do this together!
November 23, 2013

In reply to by nopick

Alright, maybe i should try that. I bought coconut oil and it seems to be helping a little with the healing. Good luck and if you have any advice i'd apreciate it. I think i've tried everything. I recommend keeping busy or repeating an inspirational quote whenever you get the urge. But i always end up failing. And believeng you deserve to stop because if you always think you are going to fail you won't try as hard as you can.
November 23, 2013

In reply to by Breathitout

I totally hear you. I feel like the past year has been full of fits and starts for me on the picking front. I pick my KP bumps (on the upper arms) when I have them and bc they've gone away, I'm not picking but I know the compulsion still lurks inside. Don't lose faith. I think it takes a ton of slips to start a good stretch of not picking! xValentine
November 23, 2013
I hadn't known this was even a disorder I thought there was jus something wrong with meim so embarrassed of this weird thing is I don pick my face but my whole body all of it is just scabs its hideous n when I think about how ugly it is n sore I do it more I can't stop I don't get intimate n I am so embarrassed of my self I have to drag myself into the shower I'm really pretty buti feel so ugly what do I do?
November 25, 2013
I haven't kept up of my "progress". I picked today, nothing bad but still. I've been putting coconut oil in my skin which has been helping a lot with inflammation and such. But if i keep picking it really doesn't matter what i put on my face so i better get it together and have a real attempt at stopping. My schedule is changed and i'm not happy with it so i feel sad and frustrated and i think it's not gonna work if i try to stop now, but i'll be on this schedule for a month so i can't afford letting myself pick either, which i've been doing so... i don't know this is so confusing. I used to be determined to stop and right now i feel so out of focus, like i haven't got the time or the energy to try. It sucks really. My goal is to have okay skin by christmas but i really need to start now. Since i don't really have time to write here i'm gonna have to find another way to keep up. I don't know if I should put make up on and leave it for some days untill i'm healed or if I should put chamomille or what. The make up thing helps because I don't strip my face and it feels protected and i don't get to see the redness as much because i just but make up over make up and so on. I don't knowwww ugh.
November 26, 2013
I did a commitment challenge just like this about a year ago. When everything got to be too much, I found Annette Pasternak! Check out this website! You won't be disappointed…if you have any questions,

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