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Hi all. I've known about this site for a whole but this is the first time I've posted. I have issues with depression, OCD and social anxiety, and I've been picking for more years than I can remember. I didn't realise for a long time that there were others who do it - I was so ashamed and disgusted with myself for such a long time, wondering why I do this and being frustrated that I can't stop. I've had boyfriends and friends who haven't understood and judge me for it - they just can't seem to understand why, and because I don't fully understand I can't really explain it.
I pick mainly on my face and legs - my legs particularly are covered in scars which are so hard to explain, particularly in summer. Makeup doesn't cover it properly and I get so self conscious. Recently I've started doing it on my chest, breasts and arms so I'm getting quite desperate to get help.
I've tried to replace it with other things, like trimming split ends, but that just doesn't seem to give me relief. I've also tried moisturizing and massaging my skin instead but it doesn't get rid of the urge.
Does anyone have hints on how to avoid picking, and also moisturizers that can minimize old and new scars? I'm getting quite desperate.
Thanks everyone
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