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Someone please help!
I have been with my wifey for 3 years now and at first I did notice she had a couple scars on her face. I have asked her about them and she said it was a staff infection. So obviously I believed her I believe everything until the last few months she has literally craters on her face! And as soon as they scab she will sit in the bathroom for literally 6-8 hours! And pick them all off and she gets very protective about me seeing she will spaz freak and start swinging then barricades the door and she will stay I'm there all night long sometimes and just pick away then throws on a tonne of makeup to cover it all up. She keeps telling me it's an infection and it has to be done well now I know this is not right. And just tonight we were driving on a couple hour ride and she started picking at her finger. I said what are you doing? She said there's little black spot that need to come out and she literally peeled the top layer of her finger the size of a dime and I told her it was nothing there it was clean flesh just under the skin not too deep bit enough to notice. I don't know what to do anymore I'm starting to look into a couple things but I have tried to convince her to let them scab and the scabs will do the healing and she still says she doesn't pick them but she is. it's obvious now and I try to tell her all the time to just leave them and let them heal. So thanks for reading and if anyone has advise I will take it !
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