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For Enjoyment?
I've picked my scabs as long as I can remember. I know it's wrong... but I've always seemed to enjoy it. When I was younger I'd save them and tape them to pieces of paper and hide them from my mom. I liked to look at them. Now, although I don't tape them to anything, I'll still save them.
I guess I can't have been picking all of my life since for awhile I remember never having any scars and being proud about that, now I have a myriad of them.
I'll pick any where. I've never hid it with clothes or anything. Scabs have interested me... On other people, no way. I remember once I had a cat with scabs, and I guess you get where I'm going with that.
Anyone else pick just because it intrests them? It doesn't seem wrong to me on the surface but when I look at it from a different point of view I know that I have to have some kind of a problem.
In reply to Sure, that's why I picked at by polkadots
In reply to The ironic thing about me is by picks9876