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I'm so irratated!
I just went to talk to my school psychologist last Friday. I told her about every, scab picking and otherwise. Scab picking came last, and before that she seemed iffy on if I really had problems, but as soon as I started telling her about picking she got really interested and acknoledged there's probably something up. I was so excited. I'd finally be getting help. I sucked it up and told a stranger. Come to find out today, I won't be. She called my mom asking if I'd been to the doctor about it. My mom said yes and the doctor said I'm fine. Because of this, the school won't continue to help me. We can't afford it.
What makes me so angry is I went to the doctor over six monthes ago for cheast pains from anxiety. Physically I'm alright, but the doctor stated I did eshibit signs of anxiety. My got it completely wrong, and now I will never get help.
I told someone about my disgusting issue and now it's just out there...
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