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I've found a few things that have helped minimise the picking (and resultant damage).
* I agree with one of the postings I read - longer nails means I cant pick so well - but I can scratch better than when I've chewed my nails off .... so it's a 50/50 solution.
* I've started taking better care of my face - I exfoliate every 3-5 days which smooths out my skin and reduces bumps for me to pick at.
* I was re-doing my bathroom and had to remove the mirror to paint the walls and it broke and I haven't replaced it ... and I have not been able to scrutinise my face searching for blemishes, black heads etc (by the way ... I identified with the post about the twin who uses a needle (or pin) to dig out black heads.
* In South Africa we have a product called Tissue Oil and I've been using that so that my skin is not dry. It's excellent for reducing scars. I have put that on when the scabs have gone (not because I picked them off, but because the skin underneath was healed) too so that the new skin doesn't "dry out" and become flaky.
* My nails are still an issue - can't afford to get gel/acrylic overlays and I can still bite/pick them off or then I'll attack the cuticles. I hear it's best to keep a pair of nail scissors around and a nail file (emory board) and "fix" them as a nail breaks or your cuticle splits. (My cuticles are currently very sore).
* Not sure why I've stopped picking my scalp - just seem to have.
More on the psychological aspects:
* I try to be kind to myself (that's actually my new year's resolution) - not that I spoil myself, but just trying not to be so tough on myself - I set very high standards for myself which I often can't meet.
* I've tried to work through my issues (childhood stuff) - I've read David Seamand's books on Healing of Memories and actually spent time going through the past and the hurtful stuff that happened, acknowledge it and then decide to let it go.
* I'm trying to handle conflict and stress differently (hopefully better) so that it has a less hectic impact on me (as mentioned on another post I'm an imploder so internalise my anger and take it out on myself as opposed to exploding and screaming shouting punching etc).
* I pray and cry out to God when I'm not coping - I'd never show my vulnerability to another person, but with God it's different - He's all knowing any way so it doesn't shock Him - it may shock my friends, family and Christians, but not God. He knows.
Hope some of these can help ... they've helped me so far (I've been a OSP for more than 30 years but only discovered it was actually a real problem 6 months ago) so I hope that they can really change my learned behaviour.
Any one else got other suggestions.
In reply to Not being so hard on myself by cherrycolalola
In reply to Thanks, cherrycolalola, for by serenitynow
In reply to It's a knee jerk reaction by cherrycolalola
In reply to Hi cherrycolaloloa, thanks by clarity-alas
In reply to Hi cherrycolaloloa, thanks by clarity-alas
In reply to Just wanted to add a few by serenitynow