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Looking for a friend to talk to...
Hello, I have been skin picking for about a year now and it is only on my face which is on of the most obvious places. I don't go out with friends, keeps me from going on job interviews I desperatly need, and it ruins my relationships with others. I just did it really bad again on Tues so I am going to be sitting at home for about a week waiting for it to heal. I was so happy last week and had the best time hanging out with friends and doing things I want to do. I can't be stuck inside any longer. I want to meet someone on here that I can talk to whenever I need it. I hope there is someone on here who would want to.
In reply to hey i've been lookin for by 2133Davis
In reply to I totally know how you feel. by Bernie
In reply to it's great to hear from by 2133Davis
In reply to do you use yahoo, msn, aim, by 2133Davis
In reply to Yes I do. My AIM is by Bernie
In reply to guess i can just IM u my by 2133Davis