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I'm new (here, not to 'dermatillomania'...)
Anyways... like a lot of people here, I didn't know that others were as consumed with 'skin picking' as I am until I found this website. It's kinda a relief to know so many people know how I feel, but also really scary because I didn't ever think of this as that big of a deal. I don't really know when I started... I used to chew my fingernails and the skin around them off and "eat" that, and always picked my nose also (sometimes until it bled.. ah!). Now my main problem is chewing my cheeks. I do this every single day, and when I have a test or something due it is always worse so I'm pretty sure it's from stress. I went to my dentist last week and he asked me what it was from and i was just like... uhhh I do that when I'm nervous?? haha. I also pick every zit out-from my back, chest, arms, hairline, face, and sometimes even my ears... even though I have pretty clear "looking" skin, I always notice every little bumpy and squeeze, poke, and pick at it until it's gone, or looks red and nasty. I used to pluck the hair from my legs with tweezers and that caused ingrown hairs, which also got taken care of ha ha. I obsessively tweeze my bikini line, sometimes spending up to an hour or more at a time on it, and do the same when ingrown hairs come in my armpits.
So pretty much, I have most the 'symptoms' or dermatillomania and never even knew it existed! well- now that i know that a bunch of other people do the same stuff, and that it is considered dangerous, i want to get serious about stopping!
In reply to Hi Malia .. and welcome. by sweetpea36