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New on here...looking for help
I am so relieved that I found this site and that there may be a solution to my problem...I have been picking for the past few years, and recently it has developed into a compulsion. It has gone from picking pimples on my face to picking any other little imperfection I see on my body, wishing it will go away... I have never had a severe acne problem, it is mostly mild if anything but I always make it worse than it really is... I can't break this obsession of going in the bathroom every ten minutes to see if it is still there or what I can do to get rid of one or two little bumps on my face. Now I am getting noticible scars all over my face and I know this poses risk of infection. I feel a little more at ease knowing I am not alone and I need advice because it is psychologically disturbing and murdering my self-esteem. Thank You.
In reply to Nursingstudent you sound so by belsy
In reply to BELSY!!! I do the same by misslinz10