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Scalp picking is like Crack just can't stop
I don't do it to cause pain. I certainly don;t do it for attention. Its not a substitute for food althouh i do admit me own flesh and blood is pretty tasty. I hate my hair and the way I look , so why am I doing somehting that's just gonna make these 2 things even worse?? I can't stop litterally its like a drug. I keep putting betnovate scalp application on it which stings like a bugger but I don;t mind, even sort of like it. But it never gets better cos I just can't sotp picking at it. If I can go 24 hrs thats and acheivement but the it comes off nicely and starts again. Thinki'd need to leave it at least 3 days to get better. Also pick and eat skin on feet and hands and any wehre I get a scab. Sounds disgusting and I never let anyone see this or tell anyone. Its not that bad because I am clean and it tastes good , salty and chicken like. Haven't had my hair cut for over a year cos I'm too embarrassed to let anyone see my scalp. ben doing this ever since I was a very young child, over 20 years now. want to stop cos afraid of the long term damage its doing.
Comforting to know others do the same thing
And yes, I too have been diagnosed with anorexia, depression, BDD,OCD and all those intertwined behaviours but still don;t quite get where this fits in.
I swear it like crack
In reply to Do you have psoriasis? I by tonysbricksmoocher14