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Picking shin-scabs from the inside of my nose
I dig thru the skin and scabs in my nostrills everyday so they never heal . I've done this every day for the past year since I started this job. It seems to make the stress go away for a few seconds but then ny nostrils are irritated. I'm an electrical engineer, feel burned out and not to interested and stressed in my job. A lot of the work is just excessive email and complicated systems that I don't understand. Its an overload and is a general 50 hr/wk rat race. I'm sick of it. I get only 2 weeks/yr vacation for the past 30 years and I feel like quitting all together and doing nothing for a year. Not sure what to do. DOn't even nkow what to tell my boss because he can't do anything about it. And we all know how one has to pretend all is OK in our jobs and can't tell our bosses how we really feel.
My small home is paid for and I've saved $600,000 between personal and retirement savings but feel insecure knowing that...WHERE EVER YOU GO; THERE YOU ARE....and won't be happy after quitting this great paying job that is stressful.
Any good ideas out there?
In reply to Well, here goes nothing. No by olendnlady