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convinced that u need to squeeze something out?
Hello.... i have recently joined after years of dealing with ocd issues... i never ully understood why i would stare into the mirror for sometimes hours and squueze and poke at every little dot on my face... i am 23 years old and have two children... it has gotten worse since having kids and this week has been a terrible one... my face is finally starting to heal... but it seems as though i squeeze every single little blackhead convinced that something needs to come out of it... before i know it im bleeding and ive ripped the skin around the area... resulting in a hideous set of marks and scabs... which i then start to picl at.... its sooooooooooo refreshing to hear that i am not alone..... now if only i could figure out how to stop........ 23/f/ ONT Canada
In reply to I have the same problem! by chelroyalloy