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I am 32 years old, female and I have suffered from some sort of OCD my entire life. Ive been a skin picker for as long as I can remember. My mom has similiar issues. When I was kid she would pick at me, if I had a pimple or whatever. I think that is how that got started for me, lol. Ughh, not trying to blame my mom, she and I have alot of similiar OCD traits. I also cannot stand it if I see a pimple, blackhead or something on someone else. I want to "fix" them too. My boyfriend knows I have an issue and when I am staring at him or in a trance state, he knows why and tells me to let it go, there is no way he is letting me near it! LOL, its funny, but it helps.
Just to back track a little, I had chilled on the skin picking while I was an active alcholic for over ten years. Ive been sober for almost 27 months. When I quit drinking I went into therapy and started medication to deal with alot of my anxiety and OCD issues. The skin picking has still not come up as a topic of conversation with any of my dr.s. Why? Because then I would have to stop! I want to stop, but at the same time it is a huge security blanket for me. Its gotten alot worse since i quit smoking. Ive started doing Yoga, and that helps. I also threw away all compact mirrors, and tweezers. Im embarassed to say how many types of tweezers (also know as tools) I had or how many....I just dont need or want another dr telling me something that im doing something wrong and how do i feel about it...I know how I feel about it and I know why I do it. I didnt know until recently it had a cool name though, thats a plus. :>)
Im glad I am not alone and came across this website. I am glad that Im not the only one who likes it when I get a scab so I can admire my handiwork after I have picked it repeatedly and then made a scar. Sounds strange actually saying it.
Anyway, thanks to all the pickers who have talked about it. I wish everyone the best of luck, this is not an easy thing to overcome.
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