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Finger biting--I'm not alone!
I feel so much better knowing there are other neurotic people out there like me! I have been compulsively biting/picking the skin on my fingers since I was...I don't know 7? I know for sure I was doing it in 3rd grade. I'm 23 now...and still going at it. My fingers are calloused and are always bloody. I pick the cuticles and all the skin around the nail...they're often sore and red...its so sad. People always comment and it makes me feel bad. I chew my cheeks and lips too...sometimes till they bleed. I will also pick scabs really bad if I have them. Its so hard to stop! I've tried several times...the most I've ever done is a couple weeks. I've tried the crappy tasting stuff, I've tried forcing myself not to, I've tried cutting my nails next attempt is going to be to put bandaids on my fingers for like a month. It will look stupid, but so do bloody, red, tore up fingers. I've never met someone who does the same thing, so it feels nice to know there are others out there. I just hope we can find a way to stop!
In reply to I have the exact same by kcooksey25