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8 days!
I'm at 8 days now... And my skin looks great! There is still redness, but no real scar tissue, and the red patches are being covered really easily by my make up. I usually take the boys to school before I do my make up, but today I did it and didn't feel shy about my face! So I got myself a pair of sandals to congratulate myself. I'm still getting the urge to mess with the odd whitehead that pops up (especially when they are really on the surface of my skin), but most of the time I leave them alone completely, and if I can't stand it, I wash my face gently but repeatedly until the few cells holding them in get knocked off, though I know this isn't the best thing to do, it beats getting my grubby fingers on them, and if I start picking them, I don't know if I will stop again! And of course, a huge CONGRATULATIONS to wildflower on her 40 days!!
In reply to Well done (and to wildflower by vicstic
In reply to Well done (and to wildflower by vicstic
In reply to I know exactly what you by bm
In reply to Too true, so lets do it now. by vicstic
In reply to why not put a commitment of by wildflower
In reply to Great idea, I'll get on that by bm