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wildflower , 23 Apr 2010

Tips and Products

If you have a TIP that helps you refrain from picking and you think others might benefit from it, provide it here. ----->> If you've found a particular PRODUCT that has made a difference to the care of your skin and think that others might benefit from it, provide it here. ----->> If you have positive, inspiring MANTRAS that have helped you refrain from picking and think others might find the same inspiration using them, provide it here. ----->> In short, lets create an information-rich topic. Hopefully this one topic can become a wealth of information for everyone seeking ways to overcoming their skin picking disorder.
70 Answers
July 11, 2010
I put Neosporin on my scabs every night, and if I'm just staying at home the next day, I cover them all with band-aids to prevent picking. If the skin has a chance to heal, the scabs usually become less pick-able. --A new thing I'm trying is a nail file. I'm going to keep a nail file on me at all times, and whenever I feel the urge to pick, I will instead occupy my hands with the file. This has a dual function 1) It inhibits the immediate urge to pick by occupying both hands 2) It will make the nails super short and smooth on the edges, which will make it nearly impossible to pick later. --I will definitely try skin treatments, vitamins, and exercise as well to help with my anxiety.
July 15, 2010
I havent been on here for a while as I have been moving and things have been hectic but I thought I would pop on to share my success.....just writing that makes me smile!I started doing the OCM ,I had tried it afew times before,about a year ago but didnt stick at it I kept thinking it would make matters worse.This time I read more about it and stuck at it and now I am totally hooked.I started using evening primrose oil,as it was all I had but now I have ordered castor oil and jojoba oil and I mix it 70/30 as my skin is quite greasy.I have kept quiet and hopeful about it all and I just cant believe the difference its made.I havent picked my face for weeks,havent even felt the urge because my skin feels clean,looks clean,clear and is balanced.My pores look amazing for the first time ever.People have started to comment which is a real boost and I think because of the massaging I do its helping with the fine lines.Oil dissolves oil ,it just makes so much sense.
September 29, 2010

In reply to by jo7124

im glad your doing so well with the OCM too, ive been using castor oil mixed with olive oil 70/30 and its made a difference in my skin too. i havent picked my arms in ages and they look great im so pleased that you sent me that link all about oil cleaning method it has really made a difference how i feel about my skin it looks good so i feel good about it. thanks again and keep up the good work i will too.
August 16, 2010
I am so glad I found this forum. I don't remember a time in my life when I didn't pick. I always thought that picking at my cuticles was just a bad habit. Friends and family always would yell at me when they saw me picking, but no one understood that I didn't even realize I was doing it most of the time. Once I found this site I realized not only was I picking my nails but it never occured to me picking at my face, back, chest and arms were part of the same impulse. It has been so encouraging to find other people who feel the same way that I do. This gives me so much motivation to quit picking.
September 29, 2010
I bought several pairs of light weight cotton gloves on ebay. They are for putting on your hands after putting on lotion. They really help. I keep my nails trimmed too. I just wish I could permanently glue the gloves on my hands. I always regress...
September 29, 2010
I use pure tea tree oil which has antiseptic properties. On its own it is VERY strong and might sting your skin, so I shake a few drops of Bio Oil in my hand and add 1 drop of tee tree oil before I rub it on my face, neck, upper back and chest. I also sometimes dap some undiluted oil on breakouts to help reduce it. The Bio Oil also helps with scars. ------------ Another great product that I just stumbled upon is a vitamin C peel from Macabelle. They also have a mineral make-up range. You have to use the peel 2-3 times a week. Put it on liberally and after a few seconds start rubbing the skin. The outer layer literally comes off as shrivling thingies which you can just wipe away. My skin feels super soft afterwards and it is red for about 5min because of the rubbing. If you do this, always moisturize well afterwards - I use the Bio Oil again for that.
September 30, 2010
So I'm brand new here.. didn't realize my picking had a name or that it was even as bad as I thought until I was in the mirror tonight for the 7th time today picking and I started to cry. I'm soooooo tired of doing this. There is always something worth picking when I walk by a mirror. I hate it. I'm finally realizing the severity of this... I'm 32 and my face looks worse than it ever has. I want to jus clear it up and start fresh... I like the sounds of the home remedies and oils... this may sound silly but what is this BIO. Oil that I'm reading about and where does one find such oils. I'm looking for the finer details so I can go right out and get these things and get on with it :) ... I appreciate any advice and I'm so very happy I stumbled upon this website tonight. Talk about answering my prayers . I literally jus prayed to God about helping clear up my face and stopping this picking nonsence...
October 01, 2010

In reply to by nhpicker

you can get tea tree oil and other essential oils from health supplement shops like holland and barret.tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic and anitbacterial and is useful for skin care. bio oil is a scar serum remedy its quite expensive about £10 for 200mls you can buy it in most stores that sell other beauty products, ive seen it for sale on amazon too you can most things on the internet now. im not sure about which oils are best to use for individual skin types but im sure there is a site which will explain who should use what oils on thier skin. i think the general idea is using oils for cleaning and moisturising instead of soap and perfumed creams, because oils are easily absorbed by your skin and wont dry it out and wont tip the ph balance of your skin too much, oils help dissolve the muck in your pores better than soap does and also the act of massaging oil into your face helps increase the blood flow to your skin and that helps to. here is a link that was given to me that explains all about using oil to clean your skin it has made a real difference to mine
July 09, 2011
Gevolgen stoppen met roken Een gezonder leven, een betere conditie en veel geld besparen. Mensen die roken hebben veel meer kans om kanker en andere ziektes te krijgen dan niet-rokers. Ook krijgt u weer een mooie huid als u stopt met roken. Er zijn dus veel positieve gevolgen van stoppen met roken, waarvan het gezondheidsvoordeel de belangrijkste is.
July 16, 2011
I have been a face picker for about eight years now (i'm 20). I am always on the lookout for new and better skin products (because i feel like if i didn't have acne i wouldn't pick. obviously this isn't true, but still) and have tried pretty much everything out there. For someone who does not actually have very severe acne, i recommend the Boscia skincare line. It's all natural and is at like Sephora. I used it for a while and it works wonders for healing the skin and making the scabs disappear faster. My only problem with it was that it didn't help with my hormonal breakouts. I think the one thing i started using though that has really made a difference is DermaDoctor Litmus Test glycolic acid moisturizer. I use it every night before bed. I have no problem applying it to broken skin, though I wouldn't recommend doing it like right after you pick. If you pick before bed like i do, splash your face with cold water and let it kinda dry out a bit before you apply the moisturizer. It does sting, but it doesn't usually last very long. And if you're like me, you'll get kind of a sick pleasure out of the stinging. Anyway, when I wake up in the morning my skin is glowing and the scabs as well as acne AS WELL AS hyperpigmented spots are faded. It is a miracle product (and for 60 bucks it damn well better be). I also recommend finacea, which I use on the nights i dont use the glycolic moisturizer. I use cerave moisturizer during the day (but i use the Cerave night moisturizer - it has better stuff in it, and i need all the moisture i can get) and it works well.

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