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Join My Quit Program!!
I have been picking for 10 yrs! Finally, I am calling it quits!! Who is with me. Here is my program. Please join me in this journey. We need each others help and encouragement!!..............................................................................................................
1. Write about how you felt after your worst picking experience. .....................................
2. Set a quit date. And write down the date 3 months from this quit date. (psychologists say it takes 3 months to quit a bad behavior for good.) Post these dates on here for us to see so we can encourage each other .....................................................................................................................................
3. Every day read what you wrote for #1 .............................................................................................................................................
4. Keep a timer in your bathroom and set it for 2 mins every time you set foot in the bathroom (or what ever room has the mirror that you pick in). If you need more time for a brushing your teeth etc. set it again. ...............................................................................................................................................
5. Put a round band-aid on scabs and over zits that you are tempted to scratch or pick .....................................................................................................................................
6. Every day write about your progress in a journal. I always include a quote that helps remind me of the importance of quitting ...............................................................................................................................................
7. Set aside time to meditate everyday. I do Qigong. But it could be as simple as listening to soothing music and closing your eyes and repeating to yourself positive affirmations (ex: I am worthy of clear and beautiful skin. I will do no harm to myself. etc) Also, imagine how happy you will be with this new clear beautiful skin. ...........................................................................................................................................
8. Every week post how you are doing on your journey to being pick free. Every week you dont pick is a GREAT success so let us know!! Also, let us know any challenges you had and if you need more suggestions to quitting. ....................................................................
In reply to Im with you...My new quit by Jena8604