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New, question about triggers.
Hi everyone. I am so glad to have found this site. I go back and forth between really enjoying the trance/zoning out/feeling of wellbeing that comes from picking, feeling like my picking is not much of a problem, and absolutely hating myself for doing it. I think sometimes I pick out of boredom, some out of strong emotions, and some subconsciously/habit-based.
I definitely feel like I have an addiction without a drug. I have heard some suggest that there is a genetic component to picking. I have two sisters who both also struggle with this, as does my mom. That could be related to the fact that we all have had acne, but also self-esteem/abuse issues too. It's such a complex subject!
I've tried lots of things to help me stop in the past, but always seem to find a way around it... I cut my nails really short then start using a pin or tweezers instead, etc.
I have gotten a lot of great info from researching online, but I notice that often I start feeling the urge, itching skin, etc. when reading and researching. This has always been my reason for not joining forums or talking about this with others... I don't want to make this worse for myself by spending more time thinking/obsessing. Does anybody else experience this? What do you do to combat it?
In reply to For me, half of the battle by 40daysfromnow
In reply to For me, half of the battle by 40daysfromnow