
The below is a forum entry made by one of our community members. If you want to know more about your condition, we suggest you read the following article written by a mental health professional on
Dermatillomania (skin picking disorder)

Bea , 13 Jul 2008

Feet picking

Hi, I'm a 48 year old woaman from the UK. I've been picking obsessively at the soles of my feet for about 16 years now. In my younger days I had other obsessive habits: a year or so of OCD riutualistic behaviour with which involved categorising things with numbers, then obsessive blackhead removal followed by a period of constant searching for split ends. The foot picking began after a period of self loathing in my early 30s and I have been unable to stop. The good thing is that it's largely invisible to the outside world and I manage to control it in the company of others, apart from close family. To this extent it hasn't ruined my life, job or anything but is nonetheless causing me great angst. Until I came on this site this evening I did not know this condition had a name and identity, CSP, which is strangely comforting. I hope just being on the site will help me overcome the problem. I have to say I 'm hugely grateful to all of you for posting your experiences here because it helps a newcomer like myself to understand that we are not alone. I have suffered terrible guilt and self disgust at my habit. I think the problem shifted to my feet because I loathe them anyway. They are big and wide and ugly with bunions. I've never been able to wear dainty strappy sandals and the foot picking is making things worse. In the summer the problem is exacerbated because my feet are in flip flops or sandals rather than safely zipped up in boots with socks all day! In winter evenings, when I'm in my slippers, and no one's around, are far worse. Sometimes I pick my feet so much (and use a chiropody blade too) they bleed and I have to clean blood off my shoes and wear plasters. I even limp for a few hours if I go too mad. I can't help thinking that the typical OCD perfectionism is at play here. I feel that I am striving to achieve a perfect smoothness with my feet and am not satisfied with any kind of roughness. Unfortunately I know deep down the roughness is mostly caused by me and I'm making it worse. Sometimes I manage to avoid foot picking for a while, when I'm out all day and in the evenings in the company of others. It usually occurs in situations when I am bare footed and resting for long periods eg. watching TV, using my laptop, reading the paper. These are all situations where I cannot resist picking my darned feet and eating the skin!! My husband sometimes tries to stop me but it just adds to the tension I'm feeling. I'd be particularly interested in hearing any comments from compulsive foot pickers out there. Is there a method for dealing with it, other than cutting my feet off or tying my hands behind my back...?
86 Answers
January 07, 2013

In reply to by arg13

You sound just like me.. I always felt like I was weird like I was the only person in the world with this problem..good to know I'm not alone.. I've been picking at my feet for years now.. Started in my early teens and now at 27 I'm still going.. no one other than my gf knows about my picking and this is the first time I am actually trying to get help about it.. and the first time I'm even talking about it.. I use nail clippers and attack the skin on my big toe (both feet) the worse is when my feet are wet or after a long day of work.. it has become a ritual for me.. everyday i come home from work take off my shoes and socks and start picking the skin until it hurts or until I feel like I got all the skin I could.. I have been researching online about skin picking and from what I understand its a form of ocd.. I wish I could stop this habit but I just don't know how.. Don't have health insurance and I can't afford any right now.. Just wish I knew why this started and how to stop it..
January 06, 2013
How can I stop picking my feet?!!! For the past couple of years I have been picking my skin off my feet, but lately its got a lot worse. Now its painful to walk and I make them bleed. I can't stop. I don't have any real problems in my life or hang ups, its just become a habit. My skin is dry now and my feet have got in bad condition, and I just keep trying to pick off the rough or thick skin to make my feet smooth - but its gone way too far! I don't know I am doing it until it starts to hurt, but I just have to get the skin off no matter what. If its too painful I will use scissors to cut off the length of skin. I feel if I could make my feet soft and smoother I would not pick them, but I can't give them chance to heal. today I could hardly walk and was limping. Its crazy!
April 01, 2013

In reply to by Jak

It is the same with me. Tried to find information on this , and all I get is CSP, which is not the case here... I feel that I am also just trying to get the hard parts out...been doing this for 35 years now, though. Have also tried not to pick. Succesful yes, but then I feel that my soles are not feeling or "not breathing". Picking makes the soles breathe. It is impossible even trying to explain this to others, but I feel that this is not CSP, even though skin picking is involved. Would be great to have contact with someone who feels the same...!
January 21, 2013
I have been a fingernail, cuticle, toenail soles of feet picker since I was very young. It gets better and worse. I switch from one area to another in jags. I pull out my toenails until i have pain walking and they get infected. I have left my soles alone for a couple of years but am afraid if I start it will spiral as it has before. The one thing I have found to help over the years is manicure and pedicure. Set appointments. Don't ditch. As silly as it may be my embarrassment at showering up for an appointment with abused digits deters me. The other thing is they smooth everything out so good opertunities do not present themselves as easily. There is a callous removal cream that can help smooth out picked at soles. I have never looked for professional help on this an doubt I ever will. As I write my left small toe is bleeding as painful but I felt victorious when I got ahold of that nail. Need to get back on pedicure wagon but need to heal first.
February 16, 2013
hi, i have just come across this web site after googling feet picking. I too have picked at my feet for many years. However, unlike yourself i do not have any OCD traits. ( i wish I had the tidy-up trait once in a while though) I have tried for years to stop this as i see it as a repulsive habbit & sometimes a guilty pleasure. Wierd i know. What i have observed about myself is that the more stress I am under or the more nervious I am the more I do it!. i often pick till i bleed too & then limp about. What i have tried with minor success is putting lots of cream on my feet ie sorbaline or similar foot cream then putting on socks at night & other times I am in a position to pick my feet. After a week or so the skin on your feet becomes softer and this makes it harder to pick at. Also my wife keeps telling me to keep the socks on to avoid tempation or habit. This also works sometimes. However, I hate wearing socks so Inveriably end up bare foot & fliddling with my feet. Not much help I guess but if you havent tried this it is worth a shot. You are not alone. Hope you find some solution. All the best K
March 12, 2013
Thank goodness I am not alone. I have noticed this over the last two years. More so in the winter months. It gets so bad I can't walk and can't get pedicures so I can stop. I just started an intense exercise regime and already had to skip today because I picked so deep yesterday. I wish I knew how to help myself.
September 10, 2013
I hope there are still people out there. I'm so tired of picking and peeling the skin off the soles of my feet :( it hurts so bad but I can't stop. I was wondering if any of you guys had itching associated with the urge to peel and pick?? I don't have athletes foot and this is contained only on the heel or sole of the foot. I can't take it anymore thought about getting cortisone shots in my feet.
September 29, 2013

In reply to by Jesddlove

Hi. you sound so frustrated, I understand. I pick, I bleed, I limp....And when I get my nails done it helps as long as I don't go for the tweezers. The itchiness is probably your skin trying to heal, I got a ped egg for that and it works well. If i'm not butchering my feet i'm chewing on my lips, oh well.
September 29, 2013
Hi~ I actually couldn't believe when I saw this. I'm not the only one! The only way I keep it under control is to get my nails done. They're too thick to pick and it doesn't feel right on the fake nails anyway. It does get embarrassing. There are times I wont take my son to the pool or go to yoga because my feet are really bad. Funny because when I was little my mom did the same and I thought it was gross. I do worry about picking up some horrible flesh eating bacteria or something so lately I just keep these gel nails on. works And to the previous post- yes it itches when it begins to heal for me.
October 07, 2013
Hi, I never thought that there will be a site for feet picking until I came across this one. Well, I am also having the same problem for many years. Its now a habit I cannot stop and to be frank I sometimes enjoy seeing the thick skin being peeled off. Its kind of embarrassing saying it now. Just wish there's a simple and easy remedy to make this go away. Imagine, after filing, its tender and smooth then it become thick and rough after 1 or 2 days, then the picking starts again :-) Have to find time for filing while picking can do it while doing something else. It is also a comfort that there are many like us out there.
Bunni Gelbman
November 23, 2013
I have been where all of you are for 9 long years. i couldnt stop. The picking, bleeding, bandaids, the pain... I had it all. Last month I found a dermatologist who after many doctors with no help for me.. he told me what was causing my ailment.. its called dyscodrotic excema and he gave me 12 days of PREDNISONE pills to take on a dwindling dose... for example... 3days of 4 pills... then 3 days of 3 pills... etc. till 32 pills are gone in 12 days. My feet began to stop itching and i no longer had the desire to scratch or pick or go off into a coma like state while i relieved anxiety by picking. I was led to this doctor because i would not give up. I HAD TO STOP THE PICKING. I THOUGHT I WANTED TO NOT WAKE UP WHEN IN SEPTEMBER I COULD NOT WALK. I knew I had a habit i could not stop doing. But when my feet cleared up... the picking stopped and so did the urge to pick. Nine years of picking had my feet so red on the soles... but they have become NORMAL LOOKING. For the longest time, I was not a functioning person. in mixed company I would find a way to pick under the table. i picked while my husband drove the car.. Pieces of skin lined the floor of the car. My couches had so many pieces of skin that i yanked off. Please listen to me. Go and get prednisone . Your feet will heal. i promise
Janet L Bryant
March 19, 2014
I have been picking at my feet for years to many to remember. I hate it and love it at the same time. I'm glad to know I am not as alone and weird as I had thought. I get kind of a weird satasifaction from it. But I also hate it, my feet look awful and bleed and I limp. And if I'm not picking at them I am picking at my nails which bleed. I do this a lot at work. And I also pick at my black heads and zits so much that they go from tiny to huge sores and then I am so embarrassed and they are hard to cover up. I am leaving my husband of 13 years and I find myself wondering how will I ever find anyone new when I sit watching tv doing this gross thing. I wish I could just stop. UGH Janet
March 29, 2014

In reply to by Janet L Bryant

Hi there, I'm 40 and bein diagnosed with OCD, anxiety and depression. Iv been picking my heels on my feet, my toenails all in till I bleed. The only time it happens is in the middle of the night,I thought it may of been my meds but maybe not. Half asleep when I start picking, before I realise I'm already hurting. I put cream on but still do it. I stopped myself for a couple of days cause it needed to heal. I too was/ am now bleeding, my feet feel bruised and it's painful to put any weight on them. I have 3 kids so I can't just relax till it's sorted. I went in fb and there iS a page that has home remedies etc, and I came across this..... Mix quarter cup of listerine any type, Quarter cup of vinegar Half a cup of warm water.soak feet for ten mins and when you take your feet out, the dead skin will just come gunna do my best lot to pick and soon as I grow more skin gunna try it. Good luck to all. X
March 29, 2014

In reply to by Janet L Bryant

Hi there, I'm 40 and bein diagnosed with OCD, anxiety and depression. Iv been picking my heels on my feet, my toenails all in till I bleed. The only time it happens is in the middle of the night,I thought it may of been my meds but maybe not. Half asleep when I start picking, before I realise I'm already hurting. I put cream on but still do it. I stopped myself for a couple of days cause it needed to heal. I too was/ am now bleeding, my feet feel bruised and it's painful to put any weight on them. I have 3 kids so I can't just relax till it's sorted. I went in fb and there iS a page that has home remedies etc, and I came across this..... Mix quarter cup of listerine any type, Quarter cup of vinegar Half a cup of warm water.soak feet for ten mins and when you take your feet out, the dead skin will just come gunna do my best lot to pick and soon as I grow more skin gunna try it. Good luck to all. X
March 29, 2014

In reply to by Janet L Bryant

Hi there, I'm 40 and bein diagnosed with OCD, anxiety and depression. Iv been picking my heels on my feet, my toenails all in till I bleed. The only time it happens is in the middle of the night,I thought it may of been my meds but maybe not. Half asleep when I start picking, before I realise I'm already hurting. I put cream on but still do it. I stopped myself for a couple of days cause it needed to heal. I too was/ am now bleeding, my feet feel bruised and it's painful to put any weight on them. I have 3 kids so I can't just relax till it's sorted. I went in fb and there iS a page that has home remedies etc, and I came across this..... Mix quarter cup of listerine any type, Quarter cup of vinegar Half a cup of warm water.soak feet for ten mins and when you take your feet out, the dead skin will just come gunna do my best lot to pick and soon as I grow more skin gunna try it. Good luck to all. X
March 29, 2014

In reply to by Janet L Bryant

Hi there, I'm 40 and bein diagnosed with OCD, anxiety and depression. Iv been picking my heels on my feet, my toenails all in till I bleed. The only time it happens is in the middle of the night,I thought it may of been my meds but maybe not. Half asleep when I start picking, before I realise I'm already hurting. I put cream on but still do it. I stopped myself for a couple of days cause it needed to heal. I too was/ am now bleeding, my feet feel bruised and it's painful to put any weight on them. I have 3 kids so I can't just relax till it's sorted. I went in fb and there iS a page that has home remedies etc, and I came across this..... Mix quarter cup of listerine any type, Quarter cup of vinegar Half a cup of warm water.soak feet for ten mins and when you take your feet out, the dead skin will just come gunna do my best lot to pick and soon as I grow more skin gunna try it. Good luck to all. X
May 01, 2014
I just was doing it and I found myself in that trance like state. I got up and thought I wonder if others do that? I found this site and so much weight has been lifted. I thought I was weird and had OCD, I hate doing it but find myself wanting to do it so bad. I miss pedicures so much and don't go because I don't want anyone to see my mutilated bottom of my feet. It's awful and I hate this habit. I read a post previously that said prednisone works. I may try that. Its just comforting to know I am not alone. Others suffer from this too. The support has helped me already.
June 03, 2014
I pick at the soles of my feet too. I've had other compulsions and skin-picking behavior, but because I am 50 I don't have much acne anymore, so my feet have become the target. I am happy to have found this site, even though it's harsh to have a "diagnosis." But it's important to bring all this to consciousness and deal with it. Thank you for sharing.
June 11, 2014
Hi! Like many of you I have been picking the skin on the soles of my feet for years. I go through phases of incessant picking of the heel area until there are deep, painful wounds which bleed and are painful to walk on. I have quite small feet and love to wear nice strappy sandals but am often too ashamed to get my feet out away from home. My husband is always saying 'don't pick your feet baby', I listen, stop for a few minutes then change position so he can't see and carry on. Skin on floor wherever I sit which totally gross but satisfying in the picking sessions. Unfortunately the CSP is not exclusive to my poor feet. I have about 8 bloody scabs on my right arm from wrist to shoulder. A combination of months old mozzy bites which I refuse to let heal and cat scratches which started as a pin prick but now are a few mm wide. I pick them without even realising sometimes until someone points out that my arm is bleeding. I have started massaging in a balm containing coconut oil and colloidal silver. My husband once had severe skin burns and had a silver based treatment cream which accelerated the healing to a scar free state in about a week. It's only the second night and I am having to keep hands occupied using iPad or feet covered and out of reach to give it a chance to work. Fingers crossed. I have never asked my GP about my condition as I never knew it was a real problem not just my own ridiculous disgusting habit. I am going to ask at my next routine appointment and see what he/she knows about it and what help I can get to prevent further episodes of foot hell. Good luck all out there. I feel so much more optimistic now I know I'm not alone. Jen, Newbury UK
July 27, 2014
God am so relieved to have found this site! Genuinely thought there was something seriously wrong with me & that I was alone in doing this. Am sat here in bed, in considerable pain, as have just spent the last two hours picking at my feet. Probably be very difficult to walk tomorrow as was bad enough today, but I've now gouged deeper and deeper. I'm also COVERED in scars and currently am so ashamed of my arms, which are scabbed from shoulder to elbow. I pick without even realising, so much so that I even do it in work, irrespective of whether I'm alone with a client or in an important meeting. My arms in particular are scarred and scabbed from what were teeny invisible spots under the skin which I make it my business to find and attack. I'm constantly feeling every part of my body to find something to pick. This is so automatic I even do it in my sleep as have often woken up with my fingers covered and dried blood all over my bed. How unpleasant! I would feel sick and go nuts if my husband did this, especially in bed, yet clearly I am a hypocrite. Any of you have ideas on why we do this and what we can do to stop??! Can see here some of you link it to OCD. Someone once asked me if it was a form of self-harm but I don't think so as, as much as it hurts, there's no punishment involved for me, if anything it's a sense of achievement and satisfaction involved (apart from when I do it so much I can't walk!) I literally pick anything, my friend shouted at me once years ago as I had a hole in my leg - she said it looked like I'd been shot - have a huge scar and dent in my leg as a result of that one. Any advice?!

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