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want to quit..please help
Hey...I'm a 22 yr old female and i have been picking since i was three years old...i have tried to quit countless times and have failed each time....i have great friends and family but no one can really understand what and why i pick so they cant really provide proper understanding and support for the so tired of having sores all over my body and continually scaring my body....i dont even know how to begin to stop...ive tried many diferent ways such as cutting my nails, wearing gloves, using bandaids, using skin mostuizing creams, getting fake nails, wearing long pants and long sleeves all the time to cover the area up...i know that im picking but somewhere inside me kind of takes ver and no matter what i cant stop even though its painful and the long term efects are terrible....nobody i know does this so its makes it even more parents never had a great relationship when i was a child and went through a harsh seperation and divorce...this began when i was 3 which is when my picking began also...i am an only child and was constantly placed in the sure that this is instigator of my picking...i also pick more that usual when i am dealing with high stress or also not happy wth my body image in general and am trying to improve it but i have a feeling that contributes to it as is also amplified in the summer when mosquitos are in season...all i want to do is stop picking for good and to never have to deal with this again....if anyone can share their thoughts, suggestions or ideas to help me with this or help me comphrehend what is going on, i would appreciate it very much!
In reply to Hey girl- I know exactly how by VABBY22
In reply to Seeing a a professional if by mpwy92
In reply to Hey girl- I know exactly how by VABBY22
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