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feeling out of control
Hi. I am new to this site. I am glad I found it. I have had a picking problem since around 2002. Around that time I was dating someone really abusive who used to pick my face. (the pores) Then I started doing it.... As of today it seems like it is out of control. I pick my face and body. I can stand in front of the mirror for an hour and not realize that an hour has passed. I mostly pick at pores. Sometimes nothing will be left and Im still picking at it til liquid comes out or my face turns bloody. It is taking a huge effect on my relationship. We fight every single day because of it. Im tired of getting yelled at. I know its out of concern but it makes my anxiety worse. Im almost losing feeling in my face. My arms and back look terrible. No amount of make up is hiding it either. I even pick at my cuticles. Its about anything I see that looks off on my body I have to pick it. Even the tiniest little bump on my skin I have to pick at. I am afraid one day I will look seriously deformed or will get some sort of infection. I wish I had health insurance. I feel like I need help desperately.
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