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Scalp Picking

Cheryl613 , 02 Dec 2010

30 day challenge to stop scalp picking.

I have a bad habit of picking sores on my scalp. It got so I was picking my scalp when driving in my car, reading, watching TV, etc. My hairdresser commented on my scalp sores last time I was there, I was hoping she would not notice but she did. I want to get these sores cleared up before I go back to my hair dresser in 30 days. My 30 days started on 11/29/10, so this is my 3rd day 12/1 of not picking my scalp. It has been difficult because now the sores are scabbing over, I can feel them and realize there are a lot more than I thought. Anyway I'm trying some Zincplex lotion on the sores at night and Zinkplex shampoo and conditioner...I hope it helps, but I'm not sure. I'm going to keep posting for 30 days, by then it should be easier.
13 Answers
December 02, 2010
If anyone would like join this challenge with me...feel free to do so. :)
December 02, 2010
Goodness, I have had a very similar situation myself. I 'm new to the site, I have been intending to post for quite a while. I must admit this does sound like quite the challenge... I have had off and on dermatillomania all over my body, and over the past year the problem with my scalp has been escalating. The last time I had a hair cut done by some else was I believe, september of 2009. I had such a terrible experience... So I commend you for having the courage to return! I have been cutting my own hair since! In my case, I did not have a very forthright hair dresser, because though she clearly noticed the problem with my scalp ( to my chagrin, for I had been anxious about getting a hair cut for quite a while, and had been hoping, similar to yourself, that she would somehow manage not to notice the damage), my hair dresser failed to SAY what she thought, but instead showed her thoughts on the matter with her body language and actions. The problem, above all, with scalp picking, is the fact that it can look as if you, on a bad day, have a very bad case of dandruff. So, as you can guess, it looked very bad... And the expressions she had... Absolutely terrified me, and I am truly surprised I lasted through the hair cut. And yes, I too have tried things such as this, and end up slumping back into bad habits. I am not quite certain how these things work, but I would like to support you, and to be supported, by joining you in this experience. Hoping to help, Lushulan
December 03, 2010

In reply to by Lushulan

12/2/2010 Thurs Hi, Lushulan , thanks for yor reply...that took courage...sounds like you are having a similar issue. How is it going for you? Have you been able to stop at least 1 day? What has worked for you in the past. Today is my 4th day of not picking my scalp. My hands go up to my scalp a lot to feel the scabs and where they are located, but at least I did not pick, them. Hopefully they will eventually just wash out or drop off when I wash my hair with the Zincplex shampoo. I need to stop myself from touching and feeling the scabs,too. I went jogging tonight, 3.7 miles, that helps with stress. Also eating a big bowl of fat free popcorn seems to help, too, for some reason.
December 03, 2010

In reply to by Cheryl613

what is exactly ia this zincplex shampoo? I have tried the following: trimming my nails really short as to help prevent scratching, having a moisturizing bath with olive oil (this helps with the appearance aspect not so much the emotional etc.), I have of course tried willpower... as well as destressing as much as possible, which is very easy during the summer when I don't have school, I managed to allow all the marks spread across my body to heal up. i've tried gloves, and self awareness, as in , you ARE scratching, that is an unwanted behaviour, stop! as well as simply ignoring the wish to pick or scratch which is in my opinion, the most challenging aspect. and so far... no luck... mostly because I am quite stressed at the moment, and have been watching and reading a lot of dermatillomania stories, which have increased my previous anxieties, as well as making me realize just how similar all of our stories are. these are excuses, and starting now I will begin this, and hopefully I will make SOME progress in the matter.
December 03, 2010

In reply to by Lushulan

sorry to post these so close together... feeling a strong need to scratch and pick so I'm going to keep myself distracted. the taut feeling of a tight ponytail seems to help... as well as some homemade chocolate and lovely fry's cocoa hot chocolate helps... so I think i'm gonna go make some soon. so i've been thinking, where are your marks, and how do you react to them, and how do you usually pick at them? mine, currently, are on my scalp, behind my left and right ears, and the ones that bother me most are the the extreme ones on my forehead... I have straight across bangs, and can never pull back my hair from my face unless I am alone, and whenever someone seems to be looking closely at my face I panic and think they must be looking at my marks... I'm not certain if they'll scar, they haven't in the past and my face already has many scars from chicken pox, and cat scratch scars, and I have a large birth mark on my cheek. and you know what? having these marks on my face have made me appreciate my features, when previously these details would leave me dissatisfied and depressed. I am sort of afraid to stop... I am not sure how I will vent my feelings and my stress, and I have always had issues dealing with my stress. but I can only hope this will encourage me to be creative, a nd manage my time better, instead of picking for hours an d being distressed by it... I want to work at being happy. I am hoping this will encourage me to become more serious about piano... since i've always had busy hands no matter how hard I've tried. I cannot afford counseling at the moment, nor do I feel confident enough to do so, but someday, I believe I will try it. I'll probably post more oon enough, sorry about they typos, all the best wishes, Lushulan
December 04, 2010

In reply to by Lushulan

Hi Lushulan, Best wishes in trying to quit picking, it really is a compulsion that we use to relieve anxiety, so I guess we are trying to find other ways to relieve our anxiety. I like your ideas of the relaxing olive oil bath and the hot cocoa, and also I applaud you for learning the piano!!!! I don't smoke, but I'm thinking it is difficult to give that up and this picking is just as difficult. 12-3-10 Fri is my 5th day of not picking on the scabs on my head, but I feel the scabs with my fingers. I found the Zincplex shampoo online, just google Zincplex and it has an advertisement that describes it. . This is my 5th day of using it, its an herbal shampoo that contains zinc which helps the sores heal. The shampoo removes all of the build up on you scalp and roots, I have almost no dandruff at all now. It has a really good scent,too. This evening when I got home from work, but skin was so dry, I just wanted to scratch it all off. I decided to take a hot bath and put on a lot of lotion, that helped a lot . Thanks for posting Lushulan, it helps to know there is someone who is going through something similar. Do you run or jog or do aerobics...that might help decrease your stress also.
December 04, 2010

In reply to by Cheryl613

today has been a rough day for picking... I move to touch my scalp... and I admit it hasn't been one hundred percent sobriety, but it is also less than usual. I have been wishing to exercise so much lately... but i've been procrastinating since it's been so cold! my preferance for exercise is small things... like going for a walk, walking an excessive amount of stairs, and I find excercises like the plank are nice if you like to feel your muscles. Swimming is lovely as well, if you can accept the showing of your marks and scars... It's strange some days I feel I can conquer the world, regardless of this condition, and others I feel everything is set out to destroy me because of this weakness. I've been so tired today and simply eating better would probably help with stress rather quickly, but money issues are a drag. I'm completely filled with excuses and negativity today, perhaps because I am having a childish reaction to having to change my behaviour. I just have to remain positive, and to find a zen state... if I am unable to find a happy one. I suppose negativity builds if you feel you are being overwhelmed, and can't quite accomplish everything. Positivity is key. Also I know exactly how you feel about picking at scabs! but healing is not dirty, though it can feel so... disgusting at times. I need to trim my nails... they are too tempting. Hoping to be more optimistic tomorrow, Lushulan
December 05, 2010

In reply to by Lushulan

I'm sorry you are struggling, Lushulan. I'm glad you are trying to stay positive, eat healthy and exercise. I didn't exercise today either because its so cold. I could run on a treadmill tomorrow, or dress up warm. My scabs have healed up pretty quickly. This is my 6th day and their are almost all gone. I think I'll be able to make an appt to get my hair cut and highlighted next week, because at this point my scalp is pretty well healed up, so yeah ! I have my nails really, really short, so I think that helps, too
December 06, 2010

In reply to by Cheryl613

Hi Lushulan, I hope you are doing well. I did my jogging, started back on weight watchers, ate healthy, and jogged 3.7 miles even though it was cold. I went to church and I'm trying to pray more. There is a cool postive thinking website called might want to check it out. Lushulan, we are both good people...sometimes we forget that...just because we have a bad habit does not make us bad people. I don't think I'm going to post here anymore because this is day 7 and I've stopped picking my scalp and I have no more scabs. Lushulan, you seem like a really nice person, I pray that you will be able to stop this habit that bothers you and feel great again. I wish you a blessed Holiday Season. Cheryl
December 07, 2010

In reply to by Cheryl613

I know we haven't really talked for that long, but I believe I will miss you, thank you so much. I'm picking less, gradually getting better, and I am starting to eat healthier and excercise again. I am not sure if I will ever hear from you again, but I suppose that is good because it means you are doing well and you are happy. Best of wishes to you. I wont forget this ^^
December 04, 2010
I believe I swill start over at day one again, because what I did was very counter productive. I was saying to myself "just once" and I got ridiculously carried away, which I haven't done in a while, and of course this is especially bad because I want to quit completely. I'm starting to remember just how much it sucks to quit cold turkey - that is what I did when I went vegitarian... and it was very challenging - though I can definitely be proud of myself for it, I'm getting to three years without eating meat! So day one again! No excuses!
March 06, 2013
I am a long time picker. I started young at about 8 or 9 when I pulled all of my eyelashes and eyebrows out...I then moved on to picking the skin off of my lips to where my lips were so bloated and bloody it looked like I got punched. I loved applying painful pressure to my black & blues and peeling scabs (and inserting random objects into them [i.e. pens/pencils.])

It wasn't until I started using heavy drugs that my fingers gradually climbed north to my scalp; which has by far been my favorite pick. Picking, coincidentally, is a common habit of those who partake in the particular substance I craved. I, like others, would collect my souvenir scabs and joke that if I ever needed a skin graph - I'd be ready! I studied them and paid particular interest to where the hair follicle holes were.

Eventually, my scabs turned into scars and hair no longer grows out of those areas. Fortunately, there were only a few that got to that point. After I stopped using, the need to pick declined dramatically....until now. Going through some personal chaotic break up shit has sent my nerves through the roof (or top of my head :) ) I am making the resolution today to stop picking and I find it ever sooooooooooo hard as I sit here all day at work (with nothing to do) and incessantly rub the bubbly scabs that have amassed on my dome while applying a particular amount of pressure - as there is pleasure in the pain of picking; "the release." I have done the tricks - short nails - exercise etc. but they don't seem to, what I am allowing myself to do is just pick at one of them while the others heal. They all seem to conjugate together so I am being careful not to confusion. I am picking the smallest one so the 'big kahunas' (as I call them) can heal. I am also picking at my split ends instead (taking the need to pick out on dead hair is probably better than live skin!) The need to pick is undeniably within us. Accordingly, the beast must be fed - but now she's on a diet of one scab and dead hair. Has anyone else tried this method before (i.e. just limiting it to one?) I welcome comments and suggestions. This may or may not help others. It is my hope that it does. I figure one must start somewhere - one scab at a time!
July 28, 2014
I need help. I honestly thought I was the only person in the world that did this. I have been picking my scalp on and off for many yrs now. Mainly when im stressed or bored for some unknown reason It relaxes me. I often find myself eating it. My question is if I continue to do this will I scar and do perminant to my scalp?

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