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Rehabilitation Retreat?!
I have been dealing with obsessive skin picking, mostly on my face, since at least the age of 14.
I have tried individual therapy, group therapy, and hypnosis with no results. At times, I have resorted to pleading with my boyfriend to stay over at my place for a week solid, just because I pick less if someone is with me.
If it were possible to go to a two week or three week retreat, focusing on curing dermatillomania, trichotillomania, and nail biting, would you go? How much would you pay for such an option? $1000 per week? What kind of activities would you suggest/expect? I'm thinking daily group therapy sessions, having a system of actively preventing people from picking, and extra just-for-fun activities.
This would be a dream come true for me, unfortunately any search for rehab seems to focus on drugs/alcohol.
I'd be interested in possibly founding a retreat center if there was enough demand.
Any ideas, suggestions, questions?
Thank you for any help! Keep up the faith that this too will pass :)
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