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Face picking for 41 years...........
Yes, you read it right.....41........not 14 years. I'm 60 years old. It started when I was 19 in 1967. I've always known it is a coping mechanism for my anxiety and low self-esteem, but I never had what it takes to get it under control enough to stop. Oh, that wonderful sense of relief it brings, the self-soothing ritual of it all, the trance-like daze that envelopes me, the secrecy of the act. I lived for that most days for oh so long.
Today is a milestone for me..........I went on-line and typed in face picking for the first time ever and found this very informative site and this forum. What prompted me? I'm sick of myself. It's just time to get to the bottom of this nastiness that has dominated my life. Do I expect a quick fix, a pill, a 12 step program like AA? No, but I do anticipate a very slow healing process that will help me understand why. Most important too is my need for peace within myself.
Therapy has been an on-again, off-again path for me since 2003 when I hit rock bottom depression. On when I needed medication, off when the talk got too close and personal. Now, it's just simply time to step up to the plate and admit to my therapist: I'm a face picker. It will be VERY hard to admit, much less say (and may take a few more sessions), but with that revelation she can help me sort through my life to find out exactly why I physically harm myself.
So what are the specifics that have prompted me to face the absolute worst of me...........age, self-repulsion, and a recent diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome. Go to Wikipedia and type in Asperger's Syndrome for a fairly decent description. Actually, I am an ADHD- Asperger's Syndrome mix. It is classified as a PDD-NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder); one of these could be the underlying cause of your impulse control disorder, Dermatillomania.
On a more personal note, I am the mother of a son, age 36, a grandmother of a 7 and 4 year old and married for 38 years. My husband knows; he is a very kind, loving and accepting man. All my life I have been told how attractive I was all just an image I created to mask the pain.
Thank you everyone for posting on this forum. You all have brought me a great pleasure today in knowing that I am not alone. Feel free to ask any questions.
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