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I thought my face would clear up by 30
As like everyone here, I didn't know this awful habit had a name or what causes it. I've been picking and pushing and ripping the skin at my face for years but recently its been breaking out in cystuals that wont heal and I look like an alien. I don't want to go out without a hat because I feel so awful and ugly. I push all the blackheads that I can find, exfoliate, tone and do it all again. My face is a huge pizza of a mess that I know it doesn't have to be. Now its effecting my weight, because I don't want to go out, I stay in and eat and eat because I feel so awful about the appearance of my face. I have no idea when this episode is going to clear up, fade away and disappear if it ever does. I want to live again. I want to look people in the face and not worry about them staring at my imperfections, which are now out of control. It's comforting to know I'm not alone but then I wish everyone could appreciate the dilemma we share. Does anyone out there have a quick fix (solution)??? Puuuullllllease!
In reply to Hi Deseray; it's after by Alleaha