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Mom picker with kid pickers- PLEASE REPLY
Wow. I truly can't believe there's a place like this out there! Who would've known? Well, I'm a 37 year old mother who is a sever picker/eater (scalp,body,face) of 5 kids, 1 of whom picks/eats excessively (face,body), 2 who pick/eat mildly(face mostly), and 1 who's a nose picker/eater for 5+ yrs (he's 10). I even catch my husband doing some mild nose picking/eating. This is such a SHAMING disease! Here's a gross question: Does everyone who picks, eats? And WHY DO I DO THAT?!! How HORRIFYING is that?!! Did I do this to my kids? Did they see me doing it and think it was okay to do? I try to hide it, but it's so obsessive in my life I know I do it out in the open as well, I just can't seem to stop myself. I try to be sly about it, but I know it's obvious- especially to other pickers who know the tricks. I haven't been able to sleep the last 3 nights, because just as I fall asleep I start to pick and I can't stop! It lasts for HOURS and HOURS!! What kind of therapy have people been through and how effective do you feel it was? Should I bring this up with my Family Doctor first, or just make an appointment with a Psychologist (I'm already on anti-depressants)? Any and all help/encouragement is so greatly needed and appreciated!
In reply to I am glad I found this site by shelly21
In reply to I am SO GLAD you replied! by sthepworth