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sunnyes , 23 Jul 2011

Stereotyping: "meth face" skin picking vs. OCD skin picking

I'm afraid that my OCD has been mistaken for signs of drug use. For an example, a lot of people who take methamphetamine feel a sensation much like bugs crawling on or under their skin. Excessive skin picking is often the result. Does anyone here have similar worries? By the way, I'm not trying to put down people who struggle with drug abuse. -Sunnye
11 Answers
July 24, 2011
MAN! I can totally relate. Thing is.. I use to do cocaine and speed and picked my face alot then, but even before that I picked my face, my first grade school picture I have scabs on my face. When I got clean I thought I would stop, I don't know why, I must have forgotten my first grade pic, but EVEN I associate the picking with the drugs when ALL ALONG it was OCD!!! I feel like nobody believes I ever got clean and that I have to prove myself by being superwoman. I feel like if I have a particularly bad OCD spell and I pick more than normally that people are saying, "she's back on drugs again". I honestly wasn't positive that people associated skin picking with drug using but after your post I am sure. And I am glad I joined this group because there ARE so many different aspects of it, including the one you just mentioned so, yes, I definitely have similar worries, no matter how different our situation, same thing. Thanks for commenting. Nancy G
August 18, 2011
I am so relieved that i am not alone in this horrible addiction. I related with almost every post and comment. Sunye, i am so grateful to your meth comment. I have been a picker for as long as i can remember. I get the biggest high when my friends let me pick their skin after a bad sunburn. I am 29 yrs. old and have the picked and scarred my face and shoulders to the point of no return. I hate how bad my face looks right now. I am sitting here with a scarred, tender, and painful face, due to my past 3 days of non-stop picking. My face picking has caused my family to believe i am a drug addict doing meth. I have never even seen the stuff, let alone use it. It has gotten to the point where my sister and brother are determined i am taking something to cause this, they have stopped talking to me all together. Everytime i look in the mirror it is a constant struggle to not find anything to pick on my face. I have even started to pick my razor bumps on my legs, which has now turned into dark scar spots on my leg. I where tons of foundation, when i leave my room or shower, so i don't have to hear it from my parents on how horrible i look and how badly i destroyed my face. I don't know if this idea will be helpful to anyone, but when i was urging to pick, i would put glue on my hand and arm, let it dry then pick it off. It helps to a certain point, but didn't get me to stop. I pray and hope that one day soon i will be able to stop this nightmare, before my face becomes one big picked scar. I wish you all the best in conquering this addiction we all share.
August 21, 2011
I have similiar worries and saw a post just the other day where a fellow said the same thing, that people look at him and 'assume'. It terrifies me that someone will look at my scars and think I am just a drug addict :(
December 27, 2011

In reply to by Realitysucks

To say that someone is "just a drug addict" is hurtful and ignorant. As an alcoholic (in recovery) I am amazed that people on this message board don't have a better understanding that people want to be drug addicts as much as you want to be an OCD skin picker. Its not a choice. Its very similar in that it starts off innocently and takes a life of its own, leaving the addict to feel isolated, ashamed and depressed.
December 27, 2011

In reply to by ihatemyface

I think the point has been missed. This is no attack. Listen, I'm an adult child of an alcoholic. I understand addiction. Believe me. My father's alcoholism destroyed our family. He was a Vietnam vet and had PTSD. He tried to overcome it, but couldn't(he committed suicide in 1993). Now I have PTSD. Now, being aware of how people judge you and discussing it here is not a bad thing. Unfortunately, this is the reality of the situation. I know how I have been treated and it helps to know I'm not the only one. Happy New Year to All! -Sunnye
September 10, 2011
Yes like having eczema so bad that u always wear longsleeves,so ppl think your a "junkie".It's not fun at all. I just refuse to answer to ignorance!
November 28, 2011
I'm 34. When I was still in high school (14) I had acquired a pretty bad staph infection on my arms and legs. It was awful and I needed to see a dr in order to clear it up. I wasn't at the point of being able to tell anyone my problem. The dr asked me if I was into IV drug use. Its not an uncommon suspicion for skin pickers, even 20 years ago. Fuck.. 20 years. And I actually started long before that. I'm sorry that your dr is seeing you this way! I know that it hurts. take care.
December 22, 2011

In reply to by peaceplease

Yeah, every year, I have to get a female physical done(fun for the whole family...hee, hee ;D) and every year my doctor forgets about my "spots." So, every year I have to tell her what's up with my skin and it's embarrassing. Also, both my neck and back muscles are in bad shape and I am supposed to start physical therapy, but I don't want it, because I'm so afraid of being judged. I can hear the therapist now: Oh, gross! What's wrong with her skin?! Anyhow, I understand what you're saying. I wish we could make everyone understand this condition.
December 22, 2011
It's really hard. You know, I have PTSD and skin picking is one result. It's an exterior indicator of struggles I face internally. It hurts when children are leery of me or when a person thinks that I have some kind of awful disease. I have gotten used to these responses...mostly.
December 29, 2011
The thing that worries me is that when I go for a job interview people will think that I'm on drugs or something (I pick my face) or that I have serious mental issues and they won't hire me. In this job market that's the last thing I'll need. I know job interviews are a long way off for me (I'm 13) but I wish people wouldn't stereotype us like they do!
December 29, 2011
The thing that worries me is that when I go for a job interview people will think that I'm on drugs or something (I pick my face) or that I have serious mental issues and they won't hire me. In this job market that's the last thing I'll need. I know job interviews are a long way off for me (I'm 13) but I wish people wouldn't stereotype us like they do!

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