Online free webinar - coping with the current events (COVID-19)
Mar 25th, 2020

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Managing skin picking, anxiety and isolation during the COVID-19 outbreak

The webinar will take place on Wednesday , Apr 1st. 18:00 PM EST (US Eastern Time)
We are dealing with an unprecedented worldwide health crisis. In this time of confusion and uncertainty, SkinPick has decided to organize a webinar to help you cope better with the emotional toll of COVID-19. Attend our webinar if you wish to learn how to:
- Manage and reduce your anxiety during this difficult period
- Keep skin picking under control
- How to be productive during self-isolation
- How to use this time to dive in deeper

Webinar will last about 1 hour, with a 45-minute presentation and 15 minutes Q&A time, where we can discuss anything you might be curious about. All participants will get handouts and links to additional resources.

The webinar is anonymous for participants. Participants will not see each other, they will only see the host.

The webinar will be hosted by Vladimir Miletic (Psychotherapist, MD).

The webinar will take place on Wednesday , Apr 1st. 18:00 PM EST (US Eastern Time)

To sign up, please fill in your email address:

Skinpick’s editorial team is comprised of mental health professionals who specialize in research and treatment of BFRBs (body focused repetitive behaviors) such as excoriation (skin picking) disorder.  You can read more about our authors here.

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