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Day 2 of 21- one day at a time
I'm so relieved to know that I'm not alone in this! I've been picking at my face since I was 17- this stemmed from an emotional and physically abusive relationship. I'm 24 now and am currently engaged to an amazing guy who I've been with now for a little over 2 years. I'm in the process of ungergoing laser treatment for the scarring and hyperpigmentation on my face from all the picking I've done over the past 7 years. Well... 2 weeks ago, the owner of the spa called me in to talk to her about my skin and to confront me about the picking. She informed me that this was a disorder that needed medical attention before we could move forward with the laser. I assured her that this wasn't an issue and I could stop at any time. I was wrong. Two days ago I started picking at one tiny little whitehead, and before I knew it, 4 HOURS of picking had gone by and I had COMPLETELY destroyed my face. Any and all progress that had been made in the healing process for my skin to undergo laser treatment this week was lost. That's when I truly realized I needed help. I broke down and opened up to my fiance about my problem. I had never told him about my picking and I'd hoped I would never have to. To my surprise and horror he said he kind've already knew, he just didn't know how to bring it up without upsetting me. I broke down into tears and he said he was really glad I opened up and confided in him about it. I told him that I couldn't do this alone and I needed all the help and support I could get. I surrendered all tweezers and sharp implements that I had used to pick and dig at my skin and my fiance happily disposed of them. He recently quit smoking and he told me that it takes 21 days to form a new habit and that 21 days should be my first goal. I'm on day 2, and while I still have the urge to pick at every little imperfection, I know that I can't because if I do I won't just be letting myself down anymore, I'll be letting him down too. Like with kicking any bad habit, you just have to take it one day at a time, and more importantly, not beat yourself up over it. Just take deep breaths and keep moving forward. What's done is done and all we can do is learn from our mistakes and take positive steps in moving forward towards not only, beautiful healthy skin on the outside, but more confident, happy beings on the inside. I'm on day 2 of 21 if anyone would like to join me in moving forward- I truly could use ALL the help and support I can get. Thanks :)
In reply to Hi, i do exactly the same, i by stacey