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toomuchpressure , 19 Jan 2012


I keep reading about everyone who is making these commitments and you know, I really want to make one too! I feel like maybe if I post daily about how i'm doing, it will keep me motivated to keep doing better! I will start right now, but officially begin day 1 tomorrow of my week long commitment. If I can get through a week...I can get through longer! As of today, I have done alright...Only picked a few minor spots. I am home alone tonight making it harder, but I am going to do it! I have to promise to myself that there will be no more tonight! Wish me luck!! :)
235 Answers
January 19, 2012
Day 1! Just woke up and i'm feeling positive about this! I'm hoping to stay busy all day long and to keep my hands away from my face and chest as much as possible. It's such a muscle memory thing...hard to shake. I can do this!
January 20, 2012
Day 2...yesterday was rough but i'm still keeping my head up! It's so hard for me to let pimples or blemishes go untouched and run their natural course! I'm sure we all share this problem. Off to another day! and, i'm going to try to actually make this one count!
January 21, 2012
Day 3...yesterday was better than I thought it would be! It was hard to keep my hands away from my face but overall I would say I succeeded! I'm ready to take on today strong and with a positive attitude! Here we go! :)
January 22, 2012
Day 4.. Well yesterday took a turn for the worst at the last possible second. The day went super well until about 20 minutes before bed. Thankfully it wasn't that long of a session, but it was still as session nonetheless. Hope for today! :)
January 23, 2012
Day 5! Yesterday I did not pick one single thing and it felt amazing!! many times I almost slipped and I said to myself, oh just one, but i did not pick ANY and its great! I am looking forward to a positive Monday of NO PICKING whatsoever! :)
January 24, 2012
Day 6.... :( Yesterday was honestly going so great until like literally the time right before i was going to bed. I avoided my bigger mirror but managed to find a smaller mirror...which I threw out after the session. Despite my major setback...I'm still being positive about today. It's hard to go places and imagine what people are thinking about me...but I just have to avoid that and remember that no matter what i'm beautiful.
January 25, 2012
Day 7...Hooray! even though I had a setback the day before, yesterday went well!! Im hoping for another day of NO PICKING! It's hard to sit back and let things run there course...but I have to! The compulsions are hard to manage and I still touch my face, but I'm trying so super hard not to pop anything! I read about mom wrote me a little note about her concern. I have promised myself that I can pick, but I have to read the note first. Hope it helps :)
January 27, 2012
Day 8/9 these days were rough and I deff had a setback but I have the note in hand now and i'm going to try even harder!
January 28, 2012
Day 10! Success once again yesterday...looking positive today!
January 29, 2012
Day 11: Yesterday was not perfect...but I didn't have a session which is feeling very antsy today...hoping to suppress the sensation!
January 30, 2012
Day 12 yesterday was somewhat of a fail. I didn't have a full blown session, but it was still significant. Hopes are up! I'm thinking sometimes I pick when i have a rush of emotion in my body/soul. I am still trying to somewhat track similar feelings when I pick so I can pinpoint possibly the reason and stop.
January 31, 2012
day 13. Yesterday failed. once again. I find it so hard and it takes so much energy and concentration to beat this. It tires me but I need to do it. Wish me luck. Heres to a new day and a new start.
January 31, 2012
Good luck and am behind you, I am going to make today my day to stay away from the mirror and tweezers and only use a tube of neosporin. GOOD LUCK AND WE CAN DO IT!!
February 02, 2012
Day 14! yesterday was not exactly perfect but ill take it. Today i will be pick free!
February 03, 2012
Day 15...Well it was not pick free, but that's okay. I need to learn to not punish myself even more.
February 03, 2012

In reply to by toomuchpressure

So on Monday I said I was going to go all week without picking...yeah Monday was as far as I got, I've blown it the rest of the week. I think I will try again tomorrow for another pick-free day though! ..It really is always so much more difficult than I think it will be not to. Anyway, good luck to you! It's impressive that you're posting every day so far.
February 03, 2012

In reply to by dellablue22

Thank you! Good luck to you as well... I's so difficult to stay on track it's like i go one day without picking and i feel so good and then i totally ruin it. Here's to making it through more than one day!
February 03, 2012
Day 16 yesterday was not that good...and i already started the day off bad....ugh., fresh start! We can do this!!

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