Research Participants Needed

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Do I Have Dermatillomania?
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Social Concerns in Adults with
Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors
Researchers are currently examining the role of social concerns associated with body-focused repetitive behaviors via Qualtrics. Participants must be ages 18-60 and have any of the following BFRBs:
All study procedures will be completed in an online survey via Qualtrics. All participants will be placed in a raffle drawing for a chance to win one of five $20 Amazon gift cards.
If you are interested, please contact us at (414) 229-5941, or for more details about the study.
[Milwaukee, Wisconsin Residents]
Technology Assisted Treatment for Trichotillomania
What is the purpose of this study?
The purpose of this research study is to understand the extent to which a wrist-worn micro-motion device can detect symptoms of Trichotillomania.
What will I be asked to do as part of this study?
You will be asked to participate in up to three visits at Marquette University.
Will I be compensated by participating in this study?
Yes, you will receive $25 for completing each visit 1 and visit 2 for a total of $50. You will receive $50 if you are chosen to complete visit 3.
Who can participate?
You may be able to participate if you are over the age of 18, speak fluent English, and have been diagnosed with trichotillomania.
Who do I contact if I am interested in getting additional information about this study?
Please call (414)288-5746 for more information. Upon calling, you will be asked to complete a 10-minute phone interview. This phone interview will help us determine whether you will be able to participate in the study.
You may also email or with any questions about the study.
Online test
Find out the severity of your symptoms with this free online test
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Take control of your life and find freedom from skin picking through professional therapy and evidence-based behavioral techniques.
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